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Canberra Stu

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Everything posted by Canberra Stu

  1. Cool... and thanks I know the question probably seemed stupid... but I didn't know and thought a moments embarrassment will save a lifetime of shame... So thanks again
  2. Wouldnt think unscrewing a cap is challenging mate.Self explanatory unscrew the alli cap So you don't need to go inside the locater... The battery just sits on top of that "pin" under the cap??? Also one of the locator's is missing a cap how do you know what cap fits what??? I saw some caps on ebay but I'm not sure which one to get....
  3. Hi all dose anyone have a manual for the MK1... I just bought a pair of Mk1 boxes (in 8' and a 15') and two collars and while the way to change batteries in the boxes is easy enough the collars are a bit challenging so if anyone can either email me a manual or is willing to photocopy and post it to me... or can tell me where I can download it. I would be grateful
  4. Cheers everyone, I wasn't trying to Alienate anyone... As I said I'm learning heaps and would miss the international input to questions and debates... I just thought it would be nice to have a space where people from the same continent meet up and chat... and if justified why not have country oriented subsections?? I think that would really highlight the truly international flavor of the forum... anyway it was just a thought for the list owners... I'm happy enough with the current state of play.
  5. No offense to the rest of you all on the board... I'm learning heaps from everyone here But I would really enjoy making some contacts in my own hemisphere... and discussing local issues. Perhaps one day this board may even have special sections for different countries outside the UK and Europe (that can be accessed by all members) to provide some local flavor... For instance in Australia we hunt feral animals (pigs, goat, deer and rabbits) with Guns, Bowhunting, or dogs (and a big arse knife when chasing pigs) so our forum so our section would include areas for those guys and girls.
  6. And I'd be keen on the Mk3 and collar... if your prepared to split it all up
  7. With all this talk about ferts slipping collars.... I was just wondering about the H type harnesses that are available.... or are they considered hazardous underground???
  8. Hi all you net makers out there, I have been making my own nets for about 3 weeks now... However I am having trouble finding twine in large quantities and no luck, at all, with finding hemp... So I am wondering when you guys buy your twine from??? Is there a reliable website I can order from??? Thanks
  9. Hi if anyone out there has dvd's that contains good usable information on Ferrets and ferreting. I would be very interested in buying them from you. Especially if they contain "how to information".... For example footage showing the building of the wire burrow trap, with the one way door... or building an underground maze... I would really enjoy talking with you as well. I know that the information is out there please help a new enthusiast Cheers
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