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Everything posted by Dougieboy

  1. Yes my Daughter warmed me about this yesterday. I use iPhone and have been absolutely pestered to do an update, give that a miss Thanks. They have more control over our phones than we do, that’s for sure.
  2. The white are self loathing left wing Antifa scum ?
  3. I’m proud of the lad for flying this banner. Our country need more kids like this.
  4. Soul destroying. It’s my Grandson I worry for. let’s face it, we’re deemed Racist for even remembering our Beautiful Lands before these Animals were enforced upon us.
  5. Winston Churchill once said that the "fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists."
  6. They’re already playing it down, apparently the BLM protest had finished. Now flip that for a moment and imagine it was a protest by EDL and Coons were killed. It would be far right extremists, even if the protest was six weeks ago.
  7. It’s the Dick heads who don’t adhere to the 2m rule that do my Nut in. What does it take for some people. The rules aren’t just for the few. (Unless your a certain adviser)
  8. Personally I’m not going into the ins and outs of Tyson’s mental health, to me he was a broken man. He contemplated taking his own life, it doesn’t get much darker than that really does it?
  9. You’ve hit the Nail well and truly on the head. If the lad can keep his head straight and stay sharp, I don’t see anyone on the planet beating him. This is why his fans are rooting for him. He was a broken man and if he can finish what he’s started then for that reason alone he deserves to be remembered as a great. Just look at how aggressive Iron Mike Tyson looked as a kid, he beat men before he took his robe off, yet he couldn’t keep his head in the game and the rest was history. As the greatest of the Greats once said. A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t Jack Dempse
  10. That’s not exactly what I said but hey. I’m old enough to know how wrong it is to keep slating the white man from within there own back garden. Wilder foams at the mouth with his hatred, then privileged AJ tells British black people not to buy from the white man? very noble don’t you think? They’re so full of hatred for the white man. That it effects there way of life, so yes I hope Tyson puts them out of there’s very unfortunate misery which has been bestowed upon them by white man . truth be known I hope he ends there Gravy train ride
  11. Wilder is a very mediocre Boxer but he has a lethal weapon at his disposal and that has to be respected. Tyson Bullied Wilder in his last fight and I can see him wearing AJ down in a similar manner. All that muscle demanding oxygen, this is how I see him beating AJ, wearing him down and leaving him fighting for air. But this is all speculation of course and like I say, Tyson has so much to do yet. I hope he can Go on and spank these Slaves that stand before him. Poor b*****ds need putting out of there misery. Dougie
  12. I have to disagree here, he’s an unbeaten fighter, he can only beat what’s in front of him. Now if he serves Wilder another embarrassing spanking and does the same to AJ, that puts him up ther in my eyes. But I do have my reservations as to wether these fights will take place at all. He’s much to do yet
  13. My point was to highlight exactly that. What’s the difference in making him 5 inches shorter or removing an arm. Either are nonsensical
  14. Where would Casius Clay have been if he only had one arm? . the whole point of Tyson being judged a great mover is because of his sheer size. If he was shorter, wouldn’t that make him move even better? we have to judge the fighter in front of us and for me he’s the best our country has to offer. He’s undefeated up until now and I hope it stays that way. Dougie
  15. I think Covid has been a bloody blessing for our Brexit hopes. After all we’re not going to want to fund that shower of shit through this lot. Bye bye EU. Now sink away quietly please ??
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