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Everything posted by Dougieboy

  1. And was the pressure not at breaking point last year when people were dying in the corridors? Baby’s lying in corridors on beds made from coats and blankets? cheers Dougieboy ??
  2. Do the Hospitals have more patients on average than they do over the last ten year? No. yes they’re full, but so are the schools etc the country is over populated but many of us have been saying this for decades and we were wasting our time. on another Note, we can all pick a sad story to suit the narrative, life is cruel and many young Die every year, as tragic as that is
  3. You don’t, it’s just a joke mate. Enjoy your gravy
  4. If your Black, apparently so
  5. Thanks Jimmy, I really appreciate your input. I’ve arranged to go into Sandwell field sports for a play, so will see which fits better. God Bless mate
  6. Orkney would be your best bet
  7. Decent stuff https://www.qualitymartialarts.com
  8. Looking at the 110 over the 100 it seems like a step bac, so I’m being drawn to the 100kt. your parents did right mate, Brum has gone to the Dogs now, unrecognisable compared to a few decades ago, I dread to think what another 10 - 20 years holds.
  9. That brings me back to my point of life hardening a man. Many wanna be’s would like to be known as hard, but they couldn’t endure the life that hardens and desensitises the real warriors.
  10. Yes Greb, that was obvious to all. You don’t need to apologise for being a boring prick, you can’t help it.
  11. Thanks Philpot, this thread is a no brainer isn’t it. What’s your preference for hunting mate 1.77 or .22 that’s my next decision thanks for all the feedback lads, really appreciated
  12. Some lads are psychopaths and build a hard man rep by being vicious, some are gentle men with bloody good hands, then there’s others who have been chiseled hard by life, the latter IMHO are the ones with the heart and the last to quit
  13. Nice one Villaman, appreciate your input buddy. Good win against the Dingles, bet you was happy with that. Whereabouts in Brum are you?
  14. That’s a really kind offer mate, thank you. I’m down in the Black Country
  15. Thanks Kalibrgun, that’s exactly the post I was fishing for. Top man ??
  16. As the title suggests Boys, which would you go for? My heart says to go with a British made gun but my head says German. Are there any guns you lads would prefer over the two? I’m going to SFS’s next week so will pick a few up and see what I prefer. I will be shooting Squirrels/ Rabbits pigeons etc yours In Sport D
  17. Something tells me I’m being very naive here, but I still have a tiny tiny bit of faith that Borris will secure the no deal route out of the EU. If he does he will go down as the greatest Prime Minister of my time.
  18. Black Country Wilf, Birmingham is rife with Guns now. We’re more Americanised than America
  19. I was at the local shops a few weeks back, load of young lads jumped out Of car with Guns, all the local lads legged it down the street. Oh the joys hey. Little Wankers who couldn’t fight a common cold, held in the highest regards because they can carry and use a weapon.
  20. William Shakespeare? Who’s f***ing next Robin Hood?
  21. It’s a beautiful thing to see. Restores your faith in mankind
  22. It’s a shame, I’ve seen this forum at its best. Yet you get one sad c**t with nothing going on in his life and he makes it his sole objective to destroy it. Your Right King. I’ve wasted enough time on the fanny
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