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Everything posted by liP

  1. Check out the previous page, Bob beat you to it ? lol
  2. Your be OK.. Till you get to a tractor coming the other way, then the fun starts ????
  3. Your going to have to breath in Sid.. ????
  4. Arch would never get his camper down the narrow lanes ?
  5. liP


    Its Friday, and most are on the pop, not me I add lol ?
  6. liP


    Well, stay off what you was on then things will be tickity boo ???
  7. liP


    Said you'd be f***ing back ??
  8. Good to hear your doing well stewie ? Welcome back ?
  9. liP


    This is a good watch from the Irish ? Not Brexit but its talked about in a sensible manner.
  10. .. Just had to go back and see what I had put, as it was so long ago ? Cheers Robo ?
  11. The bit on the left looks good but the bit on the right looks like the dogs have boffed up https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.b5118fa7207ea732258e09507d25fb3a&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f12P6AnN6DcQj1S%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=I6yDfgBY%2bynIjcIjKDSrVg
  12. liP


    https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8752079/channel-4-news-jon-snow-brexit-protest-white-people/ Lazy journalism to fit a narrative!
  13. liP


    Any pics, Chris ?
  14. Longest 2 days in history ?? C'mon robo ?
  15. liP


    He also said a million people marched through London at the weekend ? And.. Nearly 6 million voted in the online petition ? On the first, it was nowhere near a million and on the second, people were petitioning from all over the world ffs He's a class Cnut ?
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