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Everything posted by SamR

  1. seems like you just need to say someone doesn't dig as much as they say and the bites come flying in haha
  2. couple of spliffs and it would have been me in the spare kennel never mind the dog
  3. A must be due on katchum ? been a few ive fancied calling the last few days haha
  4. I loved him growing up. His stuff now is a bit like what you say, but when he would just make scran and shelter from nothing it used to blow my mind
  5. ?? it tests patience some nights when a threads lost the plot but there are other days you are balls deep in a thread about picking different mushrooms and u find yourself reading on and on despite hating mushrooms haha.
  6. I've been on this site for nearly a year now and I just want to say it actually blows my mind how much knowledge is on it. I grew up watching Ray Mears and loving the outdoors, and a lot of you on here could probably give him a run for his money. Half the threads I read aren't even anything I do or have ever tried such as knife making, but it all makes for a cracking read. I've learned a few tips here and there from some of the ferreting lads and I genuinely hope to know half as much as you all. Anyway, thought I'd post this as a bit of appreciation even though it sounds like I'm being a
  7. Hope he has been a massive mistake in being lost and not just let go. Brilliant that you have taken him in and cleaned him up. Hope he turns out a belta mate
  8. SamR

    isis bint

    Can you unfollow a thread? Its taken a battering now like
  9. Sent u a pm mate, for some reason it wont let me send u pics over there
  10. you can use my small polecat to line yours if you want mate. Im all the way in Gateshead but I wouldn't mind meeting you halfway if needs be if you cant get anybody closer. Keep him til the jobs done
  11. Ive used push gut a few times when i've not had my knife on me and wasnt going to be home for a few hours but I try to avoid it. Not worth risk of shite and all sorts exploding inside.
  12. SamR

    isis bint

    Keep goin lads, im almost there
  13. Cheers Arry, she's coming on leaps and bounds lately
  14. Got the biggun for a week as shes back from London for the holidays. Woke her up at half 5 this morning for a look out ferreting. Shes always asked to come but her mother kicks up a stink but i thought fack it, youre coming. Just the 2, but she enjoyed herself. Full english breakfast and thats us sorted for the day
  15. SamR

    isis bint

    As long as you aren't a straight white male who isn't british, you can do what you want, say what you want and get away with it. Heaven forbid you fly a St. George cross on his day though
  16. SamR

    isis bint

    At 15 I got a lass pregnant. Finished school and went straight on the sites to work. Anything and everything i could do to make money
  17. SamR

    isis bint

    Anybody watching bbc question time? She is a victim and we need human sympathy for what she has been through because she was only 15 when she left. Has this country lost the f***ing plot? Leave her where she is to rot. If she comes back she will probably get a house for free and a lucrative deal to make a documentary on her
  18. cheers for the advice lads, a really clear consensus hahaha anyone know of any litters of beddy whippets? That sounds like half the battle trying to find a litter that hasnt been bashed out from a pet for a quick couple of quid
  19. cheers everyone, I'm not going to rush into it. Just got permission from the boss to get another dog last night (under the deal that there will be no more kids!) so I thought I'd start a bit research
  20. I asked the same question myself mate. Best get to knocking on doors. Worst that will happen is you get told no. A lot of lads will be apprehensive to give up their contacts or permission purely because it can take a long time to build up trust with the landowner. best of luck
  21. patience of a saint me haha I've always had dogs, never worked any until 2 year ago and never had a lurcher or any sighthound/runner
  22. Gents, I've wandered in here from the ferreting section and need some help. I'm looking to get a runner to go with my jack russell for when I'm out. I've never had a lurcher before (although i worked with my friends for a few years). What do you reckon is the best cross in your opinion? It would only be used for ferreting. I've got 3 kids, but by all accounts they seem to be spot on family dogs. Cheers, Sam
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