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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Csj ,chudly , artaruky,are all the same ,they all made out of the same mix but made into different size ,shape kibble .I no because I worked for company that made it and I can tell you ? perc it all came from same hopper And when I say the cheaper bags I don't mean bags of wag ,
  2. People behind csj have good intentions it's those who produce it that lets them down
  3. I stopped feeding dry when I started working for a company that makes kibble for some of the top brands and I can honestly say they fcuk all good goes into the mix , Cheap brands , expensive brands all made out the same hoppers just different brand name and different price , I used to laugh when owner of csj came to look at production,she would be walked on a set route around factory that had taken several weeks to get clean for her inspection and shown all the new machines that wasn't even producing her brand Better of with raw
  4. If it had been bigger I'd have done just that but she just a baby so let her run .
  5. Just been across the woods and I noticed a young fallow that looked like it was tied up so got the dogs secure to a post and walked over to find the poor buggers back leg was in a snare made out of washing line and attached to top of the fence , I got her free and checked her leg ,it was bad but she standing on it so I placed over the fence and she ran off so she should be ok ,
  6. If dog goes in water it's probably got hot and sweaty and sore as I had that happen to one of mine ,
  7. Vets promote advocate because they got a deal with the maker and that's why they try palm you off with it ,it don't kill lung worm like they say that's for a fact, My runner got sore like in the pic because she was going in the brook then running about and it must have got hot ,sweaty and then sore and it cleared up ok , It don't look like mange to me
  8. Your mate as tried to treat her and it's not working so best go vets
  9. I see it on the news and I think the police are waiting on expert to say what breed it was ,it's probably a bully type of some kind . Very sad
  10. Like you say ears was cropped to stop them getting ripped or grabbed,
  11. A lot of these dogs are being taken to back street cowboys who just clip ears with pair of scissors and it's fcuking wrong , If you dock a pup you do it as early as possible not take 8 week old pup to get ears clipped Poor buggers must be in some pain
  12. Cropping ears is nothing new but it was never done for looks ,it was done for same reason a game cock gets dubbed, Staff bulls , American pits and all types of fighting dogs was cropped.
  13. Great book ,made a film as well but not on par with the book.
  14. I see a white cock pheasant couple weeks ago ,
  15. We have jackdaws with white wings and underbelly come at our garden bird feeders most days but we not see the white one in long time but I think some are it's offspring, A white black bird ,I bet it was stunning.
  16. I see a albino jackdaw last year If a albino or melanistic breeds with normal type all offspring will carry the genes for albino etc and can produce these colours in clutches ,young .
  17. So those who work lurchers take the brunt of it again,
  18. It's fcuking sad that's what it is ,sad they people out there that don't no the difference between a fox cub and a puppy and sad the poor mite been taking away from it's true life "one in the wild "
  19. My uncle would take my mum and is younger brother out long netting with a drag line ,he'd set the nets and get his brother ,sister to drag the line across the field towards the net and they took good bags with rabbits ,kanys, partridges and hares all hitting the net ,
  20. Looks like you had a good day Well done ?
  21. Used to be loads of lurchers bred this way ,make good mooching dog My next lurcher got to have bit of collie in it .
  22. Exactly,I've been doing just that for years and I've never had a tug ,had some close calls over the years
  23. Just go about your business and tell no one and post fcuk all incriminating,plenty lads still run stuff that's banned .
  24. Have you cleared coypu? Just wondering do you dig to them like a fox Are they racoons in Europe?
  25. That net probably been in the water since Xmas time
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