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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Did you get found guilty of affray ? If so what sentence did you get ? I couldn't see you getting fac with a prison sentence on your record and affray carries a prison sentence 3 Years upwards ,I was charged with affray and told to look at 5 but walked from crown with not guilty. If your found not guilty it don't matter as its not on your record so wouldn't affect getting fac but you will always have markers against your name if police was to stop you and pnc you ,
  2. It was court day and lots of people waiting to go to court so it got noisy in the waiting area qnd outside of the court so the beaks decided they wanted silence so they could hear themselves talking about cricket ,golf or whatever they talk sbout when going out to consider what sentence to pass so they sent for police and walked each person into court and they wanted everyone to say "sorry for talking "and I laughed at them as what fcuking right have they got to tell me to be quite when I'm not even in the court but out side standing on steps ,it didn't go down well when I asked to double or q
  3. Sit down shut up ? I got 3 weeks jail for laughing in court years ago ,fcuk how can they lock ya up for laughing.
  4. He got 18 for taking the mick and taking it to crown ,the lad was a prolific shop lifter and his mum was a beak qnd sat on the bench in corby for years ,they should do away with magistrate courts qs alls they are is police courts who favour the prosecution, petty crimes should have fix penalty fines and everything else should go up the road to crown where at least you get a fair trial and the person passing sentence actually knows the law unlike the no nothing magistrate.
  5. Guilty plea they have to knock a third off sentence
  6. All depends on the court , Only people in magistrate courts who no the law is the Clark and the defence solicitor and prosecution, the 3 beaks no f all about the law and that's why they ask the Clark what they can and can not do , I've never got a not guilty in mag ,but walked several times in crown
  7. 7 years is maximum crown can give for theft qndvshop lifting is theft is it not ? Magistrate can give 12 months but can send it to crown , Think you need to study bit more
  8. Your right and that's why only a fool would take a petty offence to crown
  9. Your right it all depends on persons pre cons
  10. A lad took a theft of a packet of kit kats to crown and he got 18 months so you definitely could in late 90s
  11. You can get the max sentence if the judge feels like giving it and theft can carry few year depending on value and your pre cons
  12. Depends on value and your convictions and of course if you want fair trial as your not getting fair one in magistrate Court
  13. Of course you can take a theft of a Mars bar to crown but don't be to surprised when you get 18 Months for taking the mick ,if you looking at few months stay mag if not throw a not guilty in and hope the jury like ya
  14. Depends what you lifted on what court you go and I've known lads get 18 months for few pound shop lift because they was up for other stuff so judge hit them hard , Be honest magistrate court is all for the police so your probably getting guilty verdict but crown its down to jury to find you guilty
  15. Fighters today are nothing like they was years ago , Fury comes from a fighting family "breed" qnd he's done his people proud and no matter what he go's onto do next I wish him well
  16. Record might be spent but all depends on offence and length sentence you got,I believe its ten years and most offences are spent , I couldn't be a part of getting another person jail unless they wrong uns qnd they need the rope
  17. Fury got to the top because he is the top simple as that .
  18. Burning spear ,scratch lee Perry Love a bit of dub
  19. I grew up on the road so like you I've seen what are brave police force are like first hand ,they a bunch of dirty cnuts
  20. My 4 year old bedy grey as soft as they come around other dogs but very switched on when it comes to stuff to run
  21. The loot and before that the exchange and mart was the papers to get to look for a pup ,they was still peddlers and liars about back then just like today , It's easier to find a litter now as you don't need to leave your house to search for the type you looking for,but finding genuine sellers is still as hard .
  22. Only time I used one was when we had a litter of pups but other than that I just put some straw in kennel and it keeps them warm anufe , If your getting a ceramic make sure you put a lamp guard on it and I'd advise a dimmer to raise lower temp as they get really hot ,they eat the electric as well but better than a red bulb
  23. Bit of scran tastes better when cooked outside, me and me brothers get together every couple months and always pull into a nice spot and get a fire going and have a cook up ,
  24. Lurcher game fcuked and Facebook as done it no favours,
  25. Pups a cracker and I hope all turns out OK for the ol girl ,my young lurcher was turning out just nice until she became bang shy because of fireworks
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