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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Moocher71


    How fcuking sad ,few travelers pull up and they vermin ,some sad folk in this world
  2. A big deerhound x sal bull come in handy
  3. My grandad loved a hotchi and he'd go looking for them as spring was turning to summer as he said that was best time to eat them ,he used to try get us kids to have a taste but we never did.
  4. Not see one in a long time ,used to see loads about when I was a lad
  5. I'm seeing a lot of deer that's been hit on local roads and mostly roe ,muntjac and odd fallow ,they a lot local and I'm sure numbers are high In most areas and seeing dead badgers daily but no fox ,I've only seen one live fox in the year I e been here so the shooting brigade must be bang at it ,shame as I like to see them ,
  6. Go to any reptile shop and you can walk away with a cute little hatchling for under 100 pounds but what they don't tell you is your going to need a room size enclosure and you will need at least 2 people to handle it safely,also it will need to feed on rabbits or bigger stuff once adult . Burmese get big and are capable of killing a human ,they along with reticulated pythons and the srub python should never be sold unless they going to a specialist with the knowledge to care for them.
  7. She was taken back to the owner,most are friendly and tame but some can be grumpy fcukers especially when needing a feed or I'm middle of shedding when eyes are blue .
  8. All the drug dealers and wrong uns on our streets and the wasting how much to catch a lad testing a jukel
  9. They not got nothing better to do than chase coursing lads
  10. If I was looking for another pup it would have to be bred this way but sadly I don't think I'll be getting another runner
  11. Very sad and the sad fcuker who did it needs the rope ,what goes through someone's mind to do this ,
  12. It's been nearly 15 year since I got nabbed last so maybe I'd have a chance
  13. I'm on life time ban ,but anything over 12 month sentence you got no chance of getting fac
  14. I wouldn't waste my time asking for a licence, I stick to my dogs
  15. A sentence takes 10 years and that depends on the crime ,any violence, gun crime or any sentence over 12 months stays with you for life
  16. I always thought qny violence on your record would stop you getting a fac or any gun licence come to that ,if you have violence on your record you got no chance of getting fac and those who say they have are not telling us the full picture, same as mental health problems your just not getting one .
  17. Russian bear tent looks a good bit of kit but pricey ,
  18. I got no chance of getting one.
  19. I forgot to put it all depends on the level of affray as it's a public disorder offence and I believe they is several going from low public disorder right up to affray with violence and starting a riot etc
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