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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Always had albinos, don't no why but I wouldn't have anything else .
  2. Thanks bud, She had a good life worked every season up to last year and your right we feed and handle them every day ,she was my last Jill, I'm down to two hobs that are out of her and both good workers and once they gone I not get anymore but until then I’ll give them best I can .
  3. I woke up to find my old veteran had sadly passed away ,she was the grand old age of 14 ,she was a great worker and as gentle as a kitten , I buried her across the woods under the shade of a old oak ,
  4. Good on ya ,I'm sure your family will have a great time .
  5. I've worked for a well known working dog food company and I wouldn't feed the stuff to my 3 ,I remember the owner of csj was visiting and the managers had a set ruit they would walk her round as they didn't want her to see what really goes on ,I swear the oil vats had dead kittens and rats in it and they standing joke by workers that only protein in the feed was the kittens that went through the machines when switched on in the morning, the place was bogging,
  6. I always enjoy your posts ,you should pen a book , All the best for this season and I'm sure your warriors will do just fine .
  7. Leave it to his kids let them sell it on
  8. I no a traveler who payed 6 grand for bit of land now its worth nearly million pounds ,he still got pony's on it .
  9. Really don't see the problem, my grandad owned bits of land in lincs and Notts and he'd stay on one few months and move to next ,few times he told to move ,yer right go f yourself it's my land and I do what the f I like with it , Live and let live is what I say ,folk not causing no problems leave them alone qnd get on with life ,you may not like way others do things but hay that's life
  10. Same as if your living on peace of land for ten years you have a right to claim it or at least that's how it used to be , My mate built a place and made front look like stables ,he got away with it for years Until some jealous b grassed him up .
  11. I been to horse drawn fest couple times and it's a great party with some sound folk ,most who set it up have been on the road since 80s /,90s , I think this is the only group who live in wagons all year in UK, they even got a horse drawn stage .long may it last . I keep saying to the misses let's go back on the road ,buy a wagon,or horse box and go France and see where we end up
  12. Tents always get left behind at fests,used to earn good money at Glastonbury picking all the abandoned tents and contents up and flogging it on ,don't think I ever left Glastonbury with less money than I went with ,Michael pays folk to litter pick the fest as well .they try hard to keep it tidy but it's hard when you got 2/3 hundred thousand people attending.
  13. My cousin runs 2 bitches out of daves stuff and they do him fine ,always found dave to be helpful and a gent
  14. Sounds familiar, we lived on rabbits ,hare and kaneys and what we called the good times was fruit picking we'd all be in the fields or orchards picking as a family ,times was hard back then ,I couldn't imagine a 6 year old today having to graft along side there parents or having to learn to snaffle something for the pot ,it was hard but looking back it was the best of times ,
  15. The pit strikes made times hard for a lot of familys ,my uncul was out poaching when me grandad got called up in 2 war,he left me gran and 7 kids with no income so it fell on his shoulders to feed the family and what they didn't eat was sold , Great pic ?
  16. I visited my uncul at the weekend and we got chatting about lurchers and he asked me to put this post up , How many have had to go out and take something for the pot or go without ,I'm not on about hobby hunting when it don't matter if the night ,day is a blank as you got fridge full of grub but when you got f all and if you dont catch you don't eat ,he said he's sure they be few old lads who remember hard times and od younger one but mostly lads would be running a juk just for sport ,
  17. I'd only eat what I ran over myself,
  18. I've eaten plenty myself ,and had anufe hard times to appreciate the good ones
  19. Moocher71


    Not all are the same, they good and bad in all people and like youvsay your from gypsy family so you no that already.
  20. Moocher71


    Maybe next time you go and have a word with them
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