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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Maybe but from the pics I've seen of sandys work I'd be proud to have one on me wall and they always going to be someone who does things better but for me it'd be sandy I'd be going to . I'd like a pic done of my juks but it's finding right photos to do them justice.
  2. Nice ,but sandy would be my man
  3. The dog I had to have pts few week back was sal whippet and I'd say he was best I've had in 35 year
  4. Bedy whippet x patt x Russell She's been a cracking worker and I've always said only thing she lacks is long legs ? she's put anufe stuff away in her time and a joy to have around . Best 50 quid I spent
  5. Had the busher and lurcher out early morning and runner had few runs but missed so the busher who 10 year old decided to show her how it's done She followed a line ,pushed it up and spun it several times and snaffled her in the open and then back to hand
  6. My mother always says this country was at its best in the 50s ,60s This country is well and truly fcuked We over run with Eastern Europeans, rag heads and coons and now we got one running the country Britain will collapse its just when .
  7. I was in India for 18 months and like you I see how the rich live and how those with fcuk all are looked upon , This cnut no diffrent, I don't see what he can bring to the table apart from making the rich richer,the normal every day people poorer , They need to have a public vote to see who the people want to run the country but they would never do that as they no labour would get the keys to no 10 .
  8. A fcuking rag head running our country we all thought things was bad before but they going to get a ol lot worse. It's Sad day for England and great Britain . Labour will get in next ,
  9. I feed what I've got ,if I got rabbits that's what they get if not its beef mince ,docks ,ox heart ,liver ,chicken carcus ,kibble and only feed once a day.
  10. Used to go ferreting with a old fella who just let ferrets run about in back of the van along with 2,3 lurchers and he used a old army bag with air vents to carry them about in .
  11. Sounds a good day out to me ,you need a better ferret box ,one they not escape from ? I got all my kit sorted for going out today but the monsoon weather put a end to that so I'll get out with the lamp tonight for couple hours ,
  12. My bedy grey my last runner otherwise I'd put a sal blooded dog over her to keep a pup but it's not to be .
  13. Think it'd be ideal x ,in my opinion the only thing a bedy grey lacks is wind so bit of sal blood sort that ,
  14. See what looked like q small lion when I was young lad ,my parents was living in wagons at the time and the horses kept going crazy at night and my dad and unculs new something spooking them and they see something slink off along the hedge ,anyway next day us kids out in the woods and we see what look like a small lioness ,think it had escaped from a zoo ,this was in the late 70s
  15. Should make a good dog in the right hands,if I was looking for a pup this is the x I'd go for .
  16. I'll pm you if I hear of anything
  17. They will always put money before the breed as they greedy cnuts , I was looking at price of Russell pups and they far from cheap now as well,see pups up at over a grand . Crazy
  18. Why not stay with them ? Why a bedy grey if the gwp x better than any dog you had ?
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