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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Years ago it was totally legal to own big cats and all kinds of exotic animals and I'm sure they would have been escapes and once dwa licence came into force they would have been releases into uk countryside, I don't think they lion size cats running about but something size of a lynx could easily stay away from people ,
  2. Sandy I send you few pics at weekend and I leave it up to you ok
  3. Used to be lad that came on here who had a munty fawn found same way qs one you got and it done well but not to sure if he released her as last time he posted she was getting very tame Shame some of the old lads no longer post on here ,
  4. Release them at 6/7 months old and they do fine anything after that they to used to humans
  5. He did just that from age of 12 when his dad was away . He had some good dogs in his time that run all over uk
  6. You wouldn't last in the company of me uncul, he's took more stuff you had ? meals,
  7. Those that hunt should have respect for what they hunting and I think you done the right thing mate ,many a time my uncul would turn up with fox cubs and bring them on until around 7months then release and he also had bager cubs and done the same , just because we hunt don't mean we don't respect them so we'll done ?
  8. Don't think he'd go out his way to leave a orphan
  9. What happend to it's mam Sheepy? I remember few year ago my old dog who I had pts few week ago found one laying in a hedge and he retrieve it to hand and it was tiny but nothing wrong so I let it run up the hedge
  10. Nice ,wouldn't mind putting something like that over my bedy grey
  11. You find it's the walkers around Rutland that call the gavers ,
  12. I think it's rare to see smooth pups in a first x litter and the only time I've seen them or part colour is out of 2 half xs or whippet x bedy whippet but I'm no expert I just go on what I've seen with my own two eyes ,unless the parents have a pedigree working or kc anything could be in the mix
  13. It's very rare to get anything but black/grey or red/fawn ruff coated pups from first x bedlington whippet or bedlington greyhound, and of course if the bedlington as other blood in it you may see different colours but in that case they not a first x ,I've had lads tell me first x can produce brindle but the only brindle pups in bedy x litters I've seen definitely wasn't first x litters . The dam to my first x bedy grey was brindle /white but no brindle shows in her and all other pups was like peas in a pod , If the pups look well looked after and parents seem sound then give one a g
  14. Well done ? Not been out with the ferrets yet but starting this Saturday ,they not many qbout but I got couple good spots .
  15. She's dropped fair few partrige at my feet but she don't like pheasants for some reason ,maybe it's the flapping about .
  16. The busher pushed this up and spun it around few times before snaffling it yesterday,think she got fed up of the runner missing 2 ?
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