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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. I'd love to be able to move abroad but unless I was able to make sure I could pay my own way without asking for any kind of help then it's just a dream , Immigration isn't a bad thing as long as they pay there own way and have skills the UK needs and they come in reasonable numbers but the fools in government have allowed millions of them to enter UK and they all have same goal and that's to take as much as they can ,be that benefits ,houses ,jobs , hospital beds ,schools the list goes on . As for residence status that's a joke I no for a fact they people entering UK today from
  2. This country been over run with immigrants for years ,it's fcuk all new is it ? UK been invaded by rag heads ,blacks and eastern Europeans .they here in the millions and the fools in power have let it happen ,round my way the eastern block lot are like vermin . A good purge is in order
  3. It'd be easy to drop the population by jabbing folk up with something that comes out later and COVID viruses good cover up , I don't no anyone who died of COVID ,of course I no a few passed away of old age ,cancer or other illnesses that had COVID stamped on death certificate to up the numbers to scare folk and then they come up with the jabs that they push everyone to have ,like fcuk I'm having jab
  4. I'd have thought it would be longer than 3 but I see a program about sled dogs and how they need feeding several times a day and need 3 hour rest before running again after a meal ,I'd always feed after work and never before to be safe .
  5. If feeding before make sure it's 3 hours at least before running,
  6. Morton might be your man or no someone .
  7. Never had COVID and never had COVID jab , if folk have the jabs fair play but it's not for me as you never no what they putting in us ,I don't believe everyone they say passed away with COVID actually did ,I think a lot was said to scare folk and they certainly did that .
  8. Give mine porridge on cold mornings
  9. No it's only sal blood that can stop them ?
  10. What he's doing for the deerhound lurcher can only be a good thing in my opinion. Dave believes he's reproduced the English deerhound and he's put a lot into his line so of course he's proud wouldn't you be ? I wouldn't say he's got big ego just passion for deerhound X
  11. A family member as a old bitch out of Dave's stuff and I see her run few times and she definitely put a few hares away
  12. I get what you saying ,I only feed rabbits to me dogs ,ferrets after they been frozen as it kills everything,
  13. I feed loads of stuff daily to me dogs ,ferrets I wouldn't eat myself
  14. I bet they put away few rabbits I'll drop you a pm after Xmas bud
  15. They need locking up . But let's be honest who as owned a dog that had a unhealthy way of looking at sheep and given half the chance it'd be on one ? I'm not asking would you incourage it but I think they a lot of dogs not just running types would happily put a end to Larry if you not about , Lot of collies have turned sheep killer while owner not there
  16. Make no mistake they a lot of dogs that would love to throttle sheep given the chance ,I new a lad who's dog was stock Brocken and would take rabbits ,fox etc in sheep field and take no interest in sheep but same dog escaped and mullerd several sheep and got itself shot in the end .
  17. House and kennel Kennel good thing to have at times like when they in season etc I've never liked idea of a dog sitting in a kennel all day waiting to get out and then straight back in once lamping etc finished . My dogs not just workers they companion's and part of the family and my two love the sofa but at times they evicted to the kennel I think it's best to get a dog used to being in a kennel before the house otherwise you probably end up with a Barker ,
  18. I'll be looking for a whippet pup or none ped next year so if you hear of any litters give me a shout
  19. Made me giggle that answer as nearly every whippet litter was so called laguna bred at one time a bit like Bedlingtons from GN
  20. I have a second edition Anglers complete guide,Rivers and lakes of England ,By Robert blakey , It's in good condition and needs to be on a fishermen's book shelf , Anyone interested ,
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