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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Yep a dog will pyne away and not eat nothing if there's a in season bitch close by and like you no they can loose some wait ,I used to send my dog to me mother's as hed wyne all night by the door and I thought it was cruel to allow it .
  2. Try hand feeding her favourite foods or tin sardines,If she's running about and drinking and going toilet they not much wrong ,any sign of vomiting or like been said bad smell get her back to vets ,
  3. My old dog wouldn't eat anything if a bitch was ready to stand ,my 2 bitches normally eat more when coming into season then slow down once in but they never stop eating all together, always find sardines does the trick .
  4. That's what the eastern block lot at work say ,in Lithuania it drops below _ 20 but it feels colder here in England when it's 0 ,it's because it rains a lot in UK so it makes it feel colder ,same when it's hot here it's a different heat compared to Spain etc due to humidity,
  5. I'm off to Canada in may , really looking forward to spending 3 weeks , my 2 mates moved out there 15 year ago and been asking me to go over for years so I've got me flights and who knows I might just stay
  6. Moocher71


    Anyone herd anything from him ,his he still in states ? As they some crazy weather over there ,just hope he's ok , no doubt he be chilling with a reefer . Mooch
  7. Good to hear you ok ,_15 cold but new York got _ 45 so your lucky . Look forward to hearing about your digs , keep at it Mooch
  8. Rick how you doing ? Have the crazy storms hit your area ,if so hope you ok buddy ,
  9. I don't think they shooting clays unless dogs pick up broken one's ? Maybe they out shooting vermin
  10. Maybe , what ever it was they sounded to be having good bit of sport if you can call it that . Hay what , everyone to their own
  11. I always thought it was against the law to shoot game on Xmas day or a Sunday and today is both but the local estate had a shoot going and from the noise they making it wasn't a small do .
  12. I took me dogs out for Christmas day walk and couldn't believe the local estate had a shoot on Xmas morning,I thought it was against the law to shoot game today , Tomorrow yes but every animal,bird should be left alone today in my opinion,
  13. Merry Xmas everyone ,have a great day and I wish you all the very best for the new year , Im just getting ready to take the dawgs out ,thank God the mother in law not coming this year ,she came for walk last year and the busher spotted a munty making its way to the woods ,well you can guess what happend ,she's not talked to me since but hay that's a blessing
  14. I remember going to London to see the pogues with group of pals years ago ,great night out . Happy Xmas Daniel
  15. Got stacks up on stacks right on me doorstep,just a fcuking pitty we not got a burner but I can see one getting fitted very soon , Got great memories of collecting fire wood when I was a lad ,me and me brothers would go sticking every day
  16. Thats the thing we all different and keep the type we like and works for us
  17. I was going to put a mates Wheaton X over her but sadly he got hit by a car on nights lamping ,
  18. I feel for you ,I had to do the same not long back to me lad who I had for 14 years and he was like me shadow ,don't think I'll get the same bond with anything again . All's we can do is give them a good life and I'm sure your lad had a great one with you doing what he bred for Chin up Mooch
  19. I was thinking the same ,I got a F1 bedy grey that's turned out a honest type but the deerhound X would put a bit stanima and hight into the mix . I'm in 2 minds to take a litter but this is way I'll go if I do .
  20. That's the point he wants to bring the deerhound X into the light by his films and let folk see what his hard work as produced and if he can earn few quid then why not ,don't tell me you'd give pups away and send dvd etc for free as you telling fibs my ozzy friend ,
  21. The man is trying to do a good thing for the type he keeps ,I've not heard anyone who keeps his type say a bad word about the dogs or Dave .
  22. Wouldn't mind putting a platts dog over my bedy grey
  23. Do you you what dog platts got out at stud ?
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