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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Of course ,I'd only take a litter to keep one myself then do my best to place others in good homes and preferably working one's and yes once they gone they gone but it's nice to be able to get a update on how they doing
  2. Some strange folk about that's for sure
  3. I was driving along a country road and as I driving along I see some fella taking pics of something near the hedge, anyway as I got closer I could see it was a phesant and for some reason the bird wasn't flying or running through the hedge so I stopped the car and asked why the bird not flown away ,his reply was it not able to fly as I just clipped it with me car so thought I'd take a pic as they lovely birds ain't they "he didn't take to kindly to my reply " your a heartless b,,,,,,,,,d and walked over to the bird that clearly had a snapped leg and bad wing so I caught it up and wrung it's ne
  4. What area of Germany you going,do you still need passport for dogs or as it changed , hope you have a good time ,
  5. I've always thought the same ,a lad on the rock n roll just scraping by will do more with a dog than anyone doing 8 or 12 hour shifts at work as he's got more time to be out ,I never took full time work up to few years ago and my dogs out 3/4 times a week lamping and mooching ,ferreting most days during the season and I spent more time with the dogs than anyone else ,I'm sure they good few lads on here who can say the same ,
  6. Looks a nice place for a walk
  7. I totally agree ,take a litter when a pup is needed and when pups can go within a circle of people you no will give them the best .
  8. Of course it's no one's business how much you charge for a pup ,I was saying it'd be good if folk put pups up on here rather than free adds if they have spare pups ,
  9. the first X just not got the gears ,wind to do what I'd like , Im in no way saying they not great mooching ,lamping dogs that will take most stuff given the chance ,
  10. I'll take a litter to keep one myself but it's not the right time as my misses waiting for a op so untill I no she's ok Its on hold , Bitch is only 4 so plenty time ,I'd put a deerhound X or collie X over her to make a better all rounder
  11. Of course you do your best by them and me make sure they getting the best homes you can find ,check the thread house lurchers ,lot of lads on here treat them like the hero's they are ,
  12. No ,not at all but if your breeding a litter of working pups why not put them on here first ,also looking at the bedy grey lurcher threads they good few lads who have asked about pups so maybe give them a chance to get one and the you can pick who you let them go to Like I said I got my first X for 100 so I wouldn't be paying 600
  13. If I had a litter of pups ,first place I'd put them on his here ,why is it people who take litters And put them up for sale on free adds for pet homes to see , wouldn't it be best to let them go to working homes at decent price ?
  14. They no rillington dogs left ? And if so it must be a fcuking old one , Pups look nice but at that price Id rather breed my own
  15. I nearly used a Wheaton X over my bitch but sadly the lad lost him on night lamping , gutted as he was good dog hope all goes well for you and look forward in seeing the outcome
  16. Wouldn't be the same without you and you sand slugs
  17. They stopped me putting pics up couple weeks ago , hunting forum stopping hunting pics
  18. Looks a great day , well done ? Good to see rabbits are still about in good numbers in some spots ,out ferreting tomorrow and I'll be happy with half a dozen.
  19. Anyone run or as run a genuine 3 quarter grey q bedy ? If so how they do ?
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