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Everything posted by Moocher71

  1. Going to crack open one of these ,think I'll start with the brandy
  2. That's why I started to use them and also they don't leave anything below and the extra bonus they no Jill jabs etc to mess about with
  3. Good idea ,looks a nice spot . I just got asked to ferret couple small fields with burrows in the open and the dogs was marking well when I walked it earlier today so I'm hoping for few good days next week
  4. I think your right as it looks like elder,I've always enjoyed ferreting,I got the ferreting bug as a young lad going out with me grandfather when me mother asked him to take me with him to keep me out of her hair ? I'd sit and watch me grandad knit purse nets ,his hands lighting fast and when I asked why you not looking at what your doing he just laughed and said my fingers do the work not me eyes lad . I remember me gran whittling flowers out of elder and pegs out of willow to hawk around the doors,she would get us kids to collect all the willow and elder then get each one of us to do a
  5. Wouldn't waste my money ,vets will try and get you to buy it as they have a deal with company that makes it and that's why they never offer you a alternative unless you ask them , also advocate is highly toxic I find best way to worm is Drontal and milbamax or something similar.
  6. Looks a nice team ,but how does the gun come into play ,I've shot over ferrets but never with dogs off slip
  7. We all have addiction of some kind just some more dangerous than others , Someone coming from money and having a addiction probably go quicker than someone who as very little as they have the money to buy when they like ,and like you say having money won't stop you having heart attack if your doing few grams of coke daily and coming down with opiates ,
  8. Fast ferrets are ok but I'd rather a plodder that works all the pipes ,I've had Jill's fly through and bolt Coney then come up and once re-entered they just run through and come out as if nothing below but I've dropped big job in afterwards and he's bolted few more ,fast ain't always the best oin my experience
  9. I've never thought about weighing me ferrets ,my 2 be heavy weights
  10. As long as they hold a bunny that's all that matters,I got a multi colour long net it looks like a ?
  11. They brothers and live together from autumn to beginning of spring then I split them up into different hutches but I'm having both done this spring so they can live together in the new court I have on order "cat pen " they play fight mostly but it's best to sit them if they not done I prefer bright nets ,had white ones but they didn't stay white long
  12. We should respect everyone,we all different.we don't have to be mates or sit and eat together but we don't have to be disrespectful
  13. Elvis died of opiate overdose "pain killers "and he also coke head and I believe his daughter the same , A lot of celebs in the states are pill heads
  14. Do you really think those that really need help will see any of that money ? When I say those I mean the English ,British people that are struggling to pay bills ,put food on the table and to stay warm and those that have nothing and sleeping on streets, The money will go to immigrants that shouldn't even be on British soil
  15. I bred a litter of small lurchers to keep one myself around 8 year ago "bedy whippet X patterdale X non ped whippet and what pups didn't go to family , friends i put in cmw and I've never had so many crazy fcukers ring me and in the end 3 stayed within the family and 1 to a ferreting home other 2 went to a women who goes to all the fly ball comps , Id like a litter out my bedy grey but they lot of things that puts me off and maybe I'll buy a pup in
  16. I think it'd be s good idea if you found someone to mentor you .
  17. One of the best threads I've read on here in a long time , amazing stuff Well done ?
  18. I don't like green nets myself as like you say hard to see at times but they well made and the lad refused to take a pound note for them saying they a gift so I'm more than happy
  19. I work hobs now and 2 I've got are big lads and I would never go back to working Jill's ,they slower but work better ,give your job a go you might be surprised.
  20. It's not about numbers its about getting out and when things go good it's great but on days we blank it's still great to just be out doing what we enjoy, Well done ?
  21. Ground a bit hard in places but nothing like it probably is up north . I like your new pup
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