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Al HAMS Salis

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Everything posted by Al HAMS Salis

  1. Is it a legal requirement to maintain a daily log about the estate in the UK? Like, if a fence or tree has come down? I've relocated over from Hungary where a daily log/diary is required and was wondering if that's the case here too? Thanks for any help.
  2. I'm a huge fan of the great outdoors and have recently relocated back to the UK from Hungary and am lucky enough to spend my time between Norfolk, Wales and Cumbria where I'll generally be found with my dogs somewhere up a mountain or on a long walk. I don't shoot or hunt myself but work for HAMS supporting gamekeepers. I was doing this abroad and am now hoping to do the same here in the UK so am keen to connect with gamekeepers. Seems like a great site and look forward to being an active member of it.
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