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Everything posted by DavoH66

  1. Snug boxes are shit it fucks the dog I put myn in mag box an hour a day sorts sorts the job right out
  2. Can not beat a good coursing pup ano where the might be a few what line you looking for pal
  3. let the puppy be a puppy you will no when the pup is ready I stock break them teach them to jump and that’s it the rest of the time a just leave them
  4. The man went to jail for a long time than when he come out he had none of his old stuff left so he went round looking for stuff he bred but the not pure tumbler any more
  5. Lamp the dog firs try and find some where with dry stone walls or good fences so it is as easy as possible for the dog and get her as many easy killes as possible it's a lot easy on a lamp good windy dark night walk right up to some squatters best thing in the world for a pup
  6. He must have been a bit over excited of watching you shoot it ???
  7. Lovely looking pups pal wish you all the luck in the world with them ?
  8. Fingers crossed pal al give him his chance and put him to the test
  9. That's what you won't pal a love a pup that can eat it's a good time for a bitch that pal
  10. He is just what av been after he will make a very handy all rounder .... and the best of luck pal
  11. Strong enough for a pup pal lets just say it's cost a bob or 2 ?
  12. Yer a dog from up my way called tank got sold for 8k
  13. Thanks pal and the same to you
  14. He is showing good sines pal game as the come
  15. My wheaton cross is fit and ready to rock and roll am very happy with him
  16. Yer did it sell for 8 grand
  17. What the dog that was from up Northumberland way pal
  18. She is out of Jaime to jims Rosie litter sister to tank
  19. Managed to get me name bown for a well bred pup out of (spider ) to the (bulldozer) this is just the sort of pup av been looking for to put back in to my stuff I have
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