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Everything posted by DavoH66

  1. sounds like a man who noses what he is on about lol best of luck pal
  2. so a wheaton is not better for that
  3. in my opinion the do not add any thing in the mix apart from hight and then if a dog is to big its not much good any way you get odd ones that have a bit in there make up that are real good ones but there are few and far between and now that all the good ness has been bred out of pure stuff the breed is about done in my opinon
  4. cheers only time will tell pal
  5. i can not help my self ad rather be out with the dogs more than any thing lol the misses says av got a problem lol
  6. plenty of running now for him coz once you pop you carnt stop lol
  7. the big pup poped his cerry yesterday on this rabbit ?
  8. its worth it i think 4 men 25 a pice you can not fall off lol giz a pm pal
  9. proper greedy c**t lol a told him we give him a 100 ever time we go on lol
  10. av been runing round driffeild way mate been goint 2 or 3 times a week and had not one bit of bother touch wood
  11. humberside pal ano the were okay to tell the truth the farmer tuck our nember sed he going to give us a bell about going on if we pay him lol
  12. my dog was off when land owner came but he was the other way so i went after him and me pals walked back to the car and the police were waiting for us at the car so i stayed on the land about 30 mins and a rang me pal see what the police had to say the said come back the car the wont you a sed not till i get my dog the sed the if a come to the car a can have me dog back so the land owner had my dog so a went back and the tuck my detailes and interviewed us all and let us go sed the would be reporting us for coursing
  13. its a bit on fire like i got some hassle today like road side interview the lot
  14. the coursing dog is out of my old dog rio who is out of fettle and splodge both forly cup winners he about 27 and thr bitch it about 21
  15. the should be handy little pot fillers i bred the father and iv see the mother run she is a keen little thing
  16. my pal has theas pups left out of a litter the will be a coursing bred dog over a beddy whippet if any one is interested just pm me
  17. the pup ran very well this morning he had 2 good runs very unlucky not to kill one but i have no worry with this pup trust me
  18. really long pal he not long been cut out its like wild fair its hair
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