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Everything posted by Cormorant

  1. Hi thanks for the insight. The places that run the courses seem to be mainly display centres, does this mean that these birds neverr actually hunt? Is it possible to keep BoP in this way? Not that this is what my intention is. what is the best way to find local clubs ect? Is there place where they are registered? Dave
  2. Hi just a quick introduction. My names Dave, im 35, married with 2 lovley daughters and i live in Royston, Hertfordshire. Most of my life i have kept some kind of animal from fish and fogs to birds and reptiles. Every animal i have ever owned i have commited to 100% both finacially and with my time. This has led me on some fascinating adventures with captive breeding and sharing my experiences and techniques with others. My mum is a registered breeder and breeds african greys, cockatoos, parokets and other birds i cant remember the name of, so im no stranger to birds. I also have a dog, a
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