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About Cannon

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Few predators do it. Maybe to disguise scent? I dont know. Just guessing
  2. He is big however person next to him only about 12 at time
  3. When did it change though? Whats everyone classing as old stuff? Dog in that pic is prob 10 now and its sire and dam wasnt young when they had him. Quite inbred though. Have to check but im sure miner appears 5 or 6 times in ped
  4. Best i seen was a staffy x non ped whippet. Havent got a photo. Belonged to a friend of mine. God that dog was good. However the lad that had him had a lot of spare time on his hands which he spent with the dog and although the dog was keen as f@*k and had a good nose. It was amount of time that was spent on it that made it the dog what it was. Loads of people will say that their 1st dog or dog they had when they were younger were best dog they had (rarely realised at time) Usually when they didnt have responsibilitys or just didnt care ?
  5. Didnt put it up in response to your post. Or looking for your approval. I rarely even read your posts as there normally long winded and full of shit
  6. Its possible there is sumet else in the bitch. I dont know for sure. She is very terrier like
  7. Shes a complete c*#t!!! ?? but i like her. She got character?
  8. Unfortunately shes not good with ferrets and no good at lamping rabbits. Cant work with other dogs so limited use for ratting so shes a pet ??
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