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Everything posted by Countryman62

  1. Yeh dodgy little b*****d, that dog had lamped rabbits many times before it did the comp, not surprised to hear he’d spin a yarn like “ not lamped rabbits before” to make the dog look better
  2. Taking 60 daytime rabbits in a single day makes him one special dog imo, a rabbit is a damn sight harder to catch in daylight compared to moonlight
  3. Best of luck with the dog, you’ll have earned a pint or two after that trek, atb
  4. Pup looks a picture, lovely long tail, enjoy your journey together, atb
  5. Seems a bit of a lame excuse, no pun intended, to me by that vet, I’m sure the dog will make a speedy recovery, atb Greed has took over the vets profession, a mate had his Border Terrier dog put to sleep a couple of weeks ago, when he asked about it the vet wanted to know how heavy the dog was he told them about 10kg the vet said it will be £170 but if the dogs heavier it will be up to £250, imo they’ve found a way to make robbery legal
  6. Just have to make sure you give the paste a good stir before you apply it, all the best
  7. Definitely try it before going to vets I’d sooner pay £3 than their rip off prices
  8. If it’s a thorn or seed pal I’d use magnesium sulphate paste, it’s a drawing out ointment, only about £3 from a chemist, wrap the foot for 12 to 18 hours so the pup/dog can’t get at it and it should come good and if it is a thorn or seed you should be able to see it after the MS has done it’s job, atb
  9. More fun for me to run the humble bunny these days.... easier to carry un all
  10. There’s a real beast of a Red stag close by these ways, he’s in his prime and got the weight and the armoury to destroy any jukel
  11. Congratulations on the birth of your little boy Shaaark, best wishes
  12. Your bloodline, looks like you’ve done an impressive job, you can be rightly proud of them, atb
  13. Rory, the best you can do is get one off someone you know works their dogs, Dave Platts is a breeder of genuine Deerhound/Greyhound longdogs, it is what it says on the tin, I don’t know if Dave works them or not you could only find that out by asking him, there must be some guys on here that have his dogs, hopefully they could get intouch and give you some pointers but don’t try and buy a pup with any sort of guarantee, nobody can guarantee the pups they breed simply because they can’t guarantee the person that purchases said pup, there’s a guy on here “Scottish hare hunter” who has deerhound
  14. Dave platts got a litter in this weeks cmw 01530 812005
  15. If he ends up working as good as he looks you’re on to a winner for sure, he’s an impressive lad for six months old, you can feel rightly proud of him, atb
  16. Strong looking pup, be an impressive beast when matured, atb
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