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Bits n bobs

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Everything posted by Bits n bobs

  1. Another of the short lived suzie and her young owner
  2. I think the old type photos have a great deal of character
  3. Brother and sister both bright and very biddable
  4. Totally agree I think I should have said when a dogs proven and tested single there’s no harm running double if the Charlie’s are thin on the ground for example. im not a die hard foxing lad so I wouldn’t disagree with someone that is deerhunter.
  5. I stopped replying to you as you requested. If you’re thing is daytime then go pollute a thread that isn’t titled lampers, just to clarify, lampers go out to lamp at the very opposite time of a 24 hour cycle to daytimers, in case that had been forgotten. your like a wasp at a barbecue McDull
  6. I agree with you I was just stating that I get why some do. On foxes I’ve always liked to see the one dog do it but wouldn’t judge people that do it differently because it’s them picking the plods up and feeding what they’re feeding so if they’re happy doing it like that then I won’t judge because it’s not affecting me and what I do. and you’re definitely right about 1 single being worth 100 doubled up especially when it came to the fuel bill lol lol. Just kidding I don’t mind spending especially when it comes to dogs and anything dog related.
  7. Majority of foxing boys will run double but they know that every dog on the team can kill single so I get the running double thing I don’t do it but I don’t judge it either. same as the boys dropping bucks. Running them double even though they know that each dog is capable and proven that they can stop them single. Sometimes it’s a case of getting every dog ran quick sharp and getting out of there so I get it. It’s a big ask to get the job done on them so dogs that do or did then fair play to them.
  8. Lads just ignore him he’s tainting the thread with garbage talk.
  9. I’m sure he’d disagree, it’s just what he does! LOL I’ve seen plenty who just go against the grain for no apparent reason. It used to confuse me but it’s easier to just laugh
  10. Oh absolutely mate I was just using it as an example not trying to accuse all half’s of being too slow just stating to get extra speed a greyhound is usually used to make faster animals
  11. Look at that mcdull comp winner straight from a greyhound. We are starting to get off topic now but what I will say is that same man keeps top level animals whatever they are and I reckon his knowledge and track record might just pip yours. LOL Nobody ever said that, you just hear what you want. he bred the way he did to freshen the blood and it suited fields as he had finished with the fens. no doubt you will read it differently than it was written but there you are. Here’s a very simple term, why do people bred 1/4 bull greyhounds ? Because the half’s can
  12. Correct, I was talking to him about Billy, father of Oscar 2. We just had a craic and he told me the above comment. He must be wrong though because mcplonker disagrees.
  13. I don’t doubt it but winning at top level with his animals shows he knows what to do and when regarding breeding outcrossing and whether to go greyhound or saluki. His words were it’ll freshen the blood and create hybrid vigour and I’m no longer running fens so they’re now that bit faster suited for field. And that was a conversation after a greyhound called bell pack was used.
  14. Majority of times it was done to freshen blood by using either pure greyhound or pure saluki but the men up north used greyhound to make the dogs faster for field running rather than fens. that was said to me by one of the main names up north who did it himself.
  15. Well I’m pleased I braved the storm tonight, I’ll have to find a quiet spot at graft for a cat nap tomorrow an hour drive is enough on a school night
  16. Have you got a family or line of your own that you have bred your own way to suit what you want and what you need for what it is you do? it’s easy enough to get shot of scrap or wastage but one fatality scuppers the whole plan so in my opinion breed from a bitch at 3 if she’s doing the business that way if you lose her you have at the very least a chance to replicate her with the pups. And if you’re culling hard and out doing it several times a week you’ll probably never be over dogged because only the top drawer animals will stay and even the average ones will be wastage. But no doubt my
  17. I think it’s safe to say that anyone fully committed to the job usually will or should breed from the stock they have that are ticking the boxes at the very least every other year to ensure they have stuff coming through, it only takes one fatality to ruin the best laid plans so rather than throwing silly money around constantly hoping for a good one why not breed from what you’re looking at especially when they are only being bred for your own team. If I had an outstanding bitch I’d dog it at 3 years old especially since I’d only be thinking of myself.
  18. I’m available as a backing singer but only if the beer and buffet are all provided.
  19. Joe back on subject looking back through the family of dogs what traits continue to emerge in each generation that really stand out for you? And if you went back through the dogs that were successful would there be A DOG that just edged everything else for you?
  20. Lost me on that one but you have assumed something so it must be gospel
  21. Well that’s not very nice mcdull I detect hostility, created only by your own actions. great thread though joe I hope it keeps up the positive momentum.
  22. Yeah we’re probably both allergic to moronic folk
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