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field crawler

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About field crawler

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    Target shooting and a bit of hunting!

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  1. Hi Guys, I am fairly new to the world of airguns, however I have decided to try and get an custom stock for my much-loved BSA Scorpion SE. I am looking to purchase one as seen here http://www.formriflestocks.co.uk/stocks/rifleman-ranger-air-rifle-stock However, whilst browsing through some forums two questions (stupid I am sure) have emerged, and I wonder if any of you may be able to answer them please? The first is that will the stock actually fit my Scorpion? I know that the "Cromwell" stock was formerly the "Ranger", which was designed exclusively for the AA S400/S410 series, and I
  2. Thanks guys! I ended up getting ballistol and a aerosol of VP90... Thanks for the cleaning info on the synthetic stock @bigmac 97kt and the recommendations for ballistol, the stuff seems to have a godly reputation ! FC
  3. Dear All, I hope you can help. I'm relatively new to the world of airguns and went on my first hunting trip today. The weather wasn't the best as it turned out and the rifle, a BSA Scorpion SE with synthetic stock, got wet (but not soaked) as well as getting mud and dirt on the exterior. I don't believe anything went into the interior of the action or barrel. I have dried it and wiped it down with a towel, but wonder what else I can/need to do? I also have no oils or gun cleaning equipment, so I would like to know what I need to buy to clean it in the future? I have been loo
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