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Everything posted by sniper

  1. nice dogs pocher any one got any picks of bullgreyhounds or wheaton greyhounds
  2. hi all i am just wondering what was the best dog you have seen on old charlie pre ban of course nd if you have picks then post em nice one guys
  3. sorry to hear about that mate ... RIP
  4. are they first cross greyhound wheaton how are they single handed i ask because me mate has wheaton cross whippet jacked on him on a fox not to long ago like a f****r over it but an no fear doubled up i personnaly dont think he is a jacker trying to tell this fella just had an off day for some reason the dog has done foxes on numerse ocassions single handed might off just bin a one off its done singles before , that bitch there is a 3/4 grey 1/4 wheaton and only 7 month old so dont know about fox yet
  5. nice one chris there some good dogs there hope this pup will end up like jack eh?
  6. nice what cross is he?
  7. do you reckon one of those wheaton greyhounds would pull one down preban
  8. hi all i was just wondering what is your ideal make up of a dog to be a deer dog i no they have to be strong and well-built but surely they have to be fast enough to catch the thing also if any of you have any pre ban picks then post them
  9. yeh lucky she is keen as mustard mate thanks to all the comments people , roll on next season
  10. i will saluki , yh should catch the odd longear but she wont be ran on evry long ear fellas ive got my tumblerxsalukigreyhound for that , shes hear for other quarry
  11. hi all heres my new lurcher bitch , shes 7 month old heres a few pics
  12. shes not working but still here she is a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaton
  13. my season has been steady , had a dreadfull injury and my bitch was laid off a few months through it , she only really recovered in december and shes never been a good lamper but she is getting there lol , i had a young dog in while she was injured and out of action and that ended up killing sheep , was turning out a good dog aswell , so thats my season so far not had great bags but then again my bitch doesnt lamp great anyway lol
  14. you've got to be joking "roystoncrankted"....i've seen both beddy and collie crosses kill foxes..plenty of times... bull crosses are the most common fox killers, but i have one and know of other saluki crosses that nail(ed) them ... any dog brought up and bred right will smash fox nio matter what the cross , before bullx and wheatonx 's came along it was really only colliX's and deerhoundX's infact i bet you if you had a pure greyhound samsh any fox in the country and any thing else you put in their way out and out killing machines
  15. this dog would only take them doubled up , and found he wont take them single http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/j...07/SOLO2029.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/j...07/SOLO2028.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/j...07/SOLO2028.jpg
  16. leave her off mate see what she does in a few months in her first 5 did she ever get bit back some dogs jib once bit mate
  17. nice looking dog mate what height is it to the shoulders
  18. what percentage of bull is he , nice looking pup
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