Hi all am abit bored so can you all post pictures of youre wheaton greyhounds , lets get abit of a gallery going here i will get this thread started ,,
Cheers Sniper
300 pound is alot of money back then but as they say you pay for what you get mate where they good dogs or did he just charge high price , also what did the cross look like , them irish terriers are fiery fuckers,, Cheers Sniper
for drawing it would have to be a pure wheaton , all me uncles have and have had them and swear by them , but for allround foxing work has to be the wheaton greyhound , FAST , STRONG , GAME AND FECKING AWESOME Cheers Sniper
any pictures of it mate sounds a handy cross ,, Cheers Sniper
no pics Im afraid.................. I see if I can get some pictures of Tommy and get them uploaded.....
Great looking dog..................like a greyhound in an Airdale colours and coat.......suprising very racey......and wooley as feck......demon on the red uns.....no beed for a bushing dog with this boy..... he does it all on his lonesome..
now thats sounds like a good dog mate .
all the needs of a team and you got it wrapped into one .
Cheers Sniper