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Everything posted by sniper

  1. yes mate collie blood makes them alot more tractable and easy to train good stuff
  2. good dogs too mate. Heartbreak bred some good ones mate. wheres you dog from Cracker.
  3. a fella from Corwin wales called Mick. he used to breed and show lakies. just wonderind whether he still breeds. cheers Sniper
  4. well a mate once bred half cross english bull x greyhound back to 3/4 greyh 1/4 ebt. off his own lines. and produce superb dogs mate definatly the 2 i seen where the best bullx i have ever seen mate. but as you say apbt can be very good dogs. but with these pups they were so versatil you could go on a nights rabbiting with them. there was only 2 in the litter though. a red dog and a black dog. good hunting to all. sniper..
  5. good point Taff. i would prefer a hard quarter bull than a hard quarter straight cross just my preferance but 3/8 5/8 bull cross is always a good option mate
  6. hello all abit bored sat here so thought i would put this thread up! I Was just wondering what you reckon is the best dog for killing foxes night in night out. whatever situatuion. also are the dogs fast enough to catch foxes that are in the middle of the field as we all know the handy feckers can shift this is a genuine question so please lets no start arguments i reckon that a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie back to a 3/8 bull 5/8 greyhound was the best foxdog i had hard as f**k and could catch almost everything he was slipped on cheers all. Sniper
  7. i think foxehounds are the best hunting dog. but if youre poaching they can be f*****g pests for howling but cracking noses and the best type to bring a lurcher pup on with. for finding gear!
  8. a fella told me at a show once that these are the best breed for deer.
  9. cracking dog mate. whats the percentages. i have an alsation would like to see lurcher pups out of him
  10. Saluki Greyhound X Bull Greyhound. is the perfect allrounder.
  11. 4 years i reckon for a dog to be in its prime not only phisically but mentally aswell.
  12. hows things well a bayer is a terrier that holds the game in the pocket by barking at it dosent get bit much. a mixer holds the game in the pocket by barking and fighting with the game gets a fair few bites.a hard dog to me is a dog that meets the game and locks on and is mute.a drawing dog pulls the game from the pocket at the end of a dig hope this helps you couldnt of put it a better way. i prefer a hard type. but mixers can be handy to.
  13. So why didnt you use a hard nuttal bred dog ??? just asking,, and making conversation... not knocking... oh she was hard mate. lost her to ground last year. just stating that the sire was phenomially hard nevr backed off. had about 600 digs with him. if the dog has 10 seasons .60 digs per year . if the season lasts 6month thats over two digs per week every week . the dog must have been in bits if it was that hard . that sounds how many digs i had a week. out everyweekend mate
  14. has anybody got the dates would like to go on the saturday but the sunday will do
  15. theres a few good litters in the Earthdog. i would if i had room of had the 1/2 greyhound 1/4 bull 1/4 airedale to 3/4grey 1/4 bul litter.
  16. yes spiff but still good talking about them mate
  17. ano mate it says not accepting any new registered users.
  18. Before i packed TerrierWork in i had a cracking Lakeland dog. he was 14 inches easily spannable. i like the coat to be rough for the lakeland althoug my mate has shaved his pup at the moment and it looks good! temperment should be firey but good with all dogs and stock. i like their working style to be dug until dug to. but alot i have known have killed the fox underground . i will root a few picks out and send them through the scanner. cheers sniper
  19. both her parents were fell types....mother a black dog and her father a red fell dog, both good workers. I can imagen she will be a sensible dog to ground, she certainly aint afraid of anything and can look after herself. Shes not one of these horrble snarling creatures that fights anything it can but if something has a pop she will stand her ground and fight back! give her a go then mate.
  20. single holers can be tricky mate. because the dog has got to stay and fight the fox but if she gonna be an earthdog then she will hopefully stay or bay which ever you have brough her up to be? what cross is she mate? cheers
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