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Everything posted by sniper

  1. i let my pup watch the beam while he watches older dogs.but i wont let him run till about 8months on rabbs.but he is very swithched on sounds similar to youre whippet mate. but what simoman is saying can occur but once if it does why hes young leave him off for a few months
  2. was just thinking the same thing about youre dog looking like him
  3. sounds like a good litter pal.good luck with the pups parents look well tested.good luck
  4. what other pets do we have apart from our working animals. dogs ferrets etc.i have two german shepherds a dog and a bitch.heres a few picks.the pup is grown up now now picks of the male.what have youse got
  5. some crackinlookin pups there sniper wish i had them now tbh. if anyone has senn my post about the lad who bred a litter of colliex's in longridge the beardie cross came from there.
  6. agree mate.they learn alot quicker in a cage/crate.
  7. ok mate theres a few of my pup a few pages back.
  8. when i get my alsation pups and keep one i tend use the cage best way to train them when about 6 months and pissing etc in the cage try them for a night on their own without cage once they dont do out over night a couple of nights then they should be trained but do not keep dog in cage all its life send them nutty in personal experience.
  9. hope he pulls through mate as he sounds a good honest lurcher
  10. any one on this site ever heard of a lad in longridge that used to own and also breed collie gryehounds.he may of only bred one litter not to sure but if anyone knows him.about 13 yrs ago his name was kevin also had terriers used to send them to Ireland.contact me via p.m if you know him
  11. nice one smashy.colliex/s do it for me aswel.what happened to youre workng dog to make him be layed up.
  12. are you running youre colliex.good luck to all Thanks mate, yes im runing the collie X lol :thumbs:
  13. are you running youre colliex.good luck to all
  14. the merles sire did hancock bred but a working dog.put to a greyhound bitch. whats dogs have you got now sniper? a collie greyhound x saluki greyhound pup 4 1/2 months old.and i have a reitred tumbler bitch due to injury.am after a working colliex for this season though im tring to find one is the hard part.
  15. the merles sire did hancock bred but a working dog.put to a greyhound bitch.
  16. yes they did mate.the merle one did everything but unfortunalty ran into a plough pursuing a fox.the black and white one i had to give back to the breeder at 7 months old due to working abroad such a shame he was as fast as my full grown dogs at a young age would of made a good dog
  17. thanks mate. he was 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie back to a 5/8 3/8.cracking looking dog
  18. heres a couple of my first lurcher pup Merlin.also my black and white pup Bobby.both colliex/s
  19. good luck mate they look cracking pups.the credit crunch seems to be getting at everybody
  20. good luck mate shite round here blowing a gale in the day and blows itself out come dark. can't wait for the shitty horrible nights to come.
  21. good dogs ooty.what way bred are they
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