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Everything posted by sniper

  1. Fell Terriers. Fell terriers are a mixed bunch.In fact the term is usually appliedto any Lakeland Terrier that is not immidiatley recognizableas a pure-bred Lakeland.Many are blackwith silky top-knots which indicate that the bedlington or allied bloodhas been used in there creation.Quite a fewof these terriers are very tall.one blue-black dog in Monmouthshire measured 17 inches at the shoulder, but was so narrow-chested it could struggle through a 9 inch pipe.these dogs are a very variable type, but all have as common denominator a great deal of courage.It seems likely that this type of dog w
  2. Kirstysdad really like the look of the red bitch you have.
  3. 60 quid each now.ring the number provided
  4. im not exactly a young hunter but heres my 14yr old lads saluki greyhound x collie greyhound
  5. nice dogs beddies. swansea jack like them little pups
  6. any pics mate i think he may still have them.if i pop round ill get some picks ok
  7. sniper


    ok thanks for the replies.shame about the dog though as he was a good un.
  8. have to agree with hpool.deerhounds are good crossed to a greyhound.best coursing dog i evere see was deerhoundx.but i suppose a full proper coursing bred greyhound will stop them aswel.look of the draw i suppose.
  9. round mine the rats are moving from the fields to our houses and gardens where they no is food. good luck finding some decent ratting mate.
  10. i would personally not get them snipped mate beacuse if they porve their salt for you ie do brilliant you cannot breed and have a pup.but youre choice mate.dont think it effects their working ability though
  11. sniper


    thanks mate he was a good dog when i was watching yes about a year round septmeber last year i was mad inot the racing then stopped watching and he has gone sniper
  12. does anybody know what has happened to him not watched irsih greyhounds for a few month and he has just seemed to go off the seen, has he got injured etc.cheers..... sniper
  13. a few of the above dogs mentioned sound about right but by the sound of it you want a good allround terrier not just earthwork.if so plummers are good ratters but russells can prove the work above and below.
  14. they may have abit of collie thrown in
  15. sounds like you had abit of bad luck when first started readin. but at least the neighbour let it go.
  16. Well done Ian great desicion imho.lets hope it keeps to hunting and just that
  17. well done ian mate made up its back.
  18. was going down for a colliex to win the comp.at least youre giving youre bullx bitch a go mate good sports man
  19. the site should really be shut down as a some of us like checking the new posts etc.but i can see where ian is coming from good hunting all see you around if it does close
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