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Everything posted by sniper

  1. very nice looking bitch Is that the same one in your avitar? nice bitch that JPTfellterrier.
  2. good luck and i hope it pays off for you two.
  3. quick get down to the nearest pet shop and get him a new manly collar and bed, but what ever you do dont let the collar be black leather with studs hehehehe pup looks a cracker hh
  4. nice looking dog Spartacus.im sure somebody will know about Buster.
  5. sniper


    hope the bitch comes on well for youre mate.will he be racing her.heres a pick i got off greyhound-data.R.I.P She's not a bad bitch. I seen the pups a few hours ago. Nice pups, all blacks and like peas in a pod. good one mate. couple of full breds around mine and they look decent
  6. nice looking dog mate
  7. foxy love the black & tan dog bob.also the redun is a nice one aswell
  8. theres a post of mine a page or 2 back. about fell terriers apparently alot of lakeland blood is used aswell as the bedlington and border.cheers
  9. nice dogs mate good luck with them.
  10. looks a fine solid dog mate. sorry for youre mates loss.
  11. :thumbdown:i hope she is found soon.
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