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About 14thepot

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Fishing catapult hunting air rifles terriers bushing

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  1. That looks like a rattie of some sort . But then again it could be a prop
  2. That sounds a very good setup you got there. Wish I never sold my hw 100 now. Oh well
  3. Springer all the way for me. Dont have to worry about refilling and you can just pick it up and go.
  4. I just got a Gamo whisper x igt in 177. Very pleased with it so far and puts the fun back into shooting.
  5. It was the same for me with my aa s400 it was just to easy and got bored of it sold it and went back to the good old springer
  6. Hi all newbie here I have just moved to rural Kent and I have an abandoned pit on my doorstep that’s over run with rabbits. I have a border terrier atm and wanted another terrier for above ground work. I have been offered a 2 yr old parsons but not sure . Atb
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