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Everything posted by Stavross

  1. Spag Bol last night stir fry tonight, that was a full pan of loveliness
  2. Most of the fencing up today, apparently they are getting pet pigs
  3. Setting up for post and rail fencing today, had the post pusher in dropped off and all materials collected and on site ready for an early start tomorrow, 2 grand just in materials, it’s only 100 meters of post and rail and a gate, timber is getting to the point now where it’s pricing us out of jobs because I can’t work for free
  4. I’ve come to the conclusion that the brisket is the best part of a moo, that was lovely and I’ve now got an afternoon in my chair, I’ll maybe inspect the back of my eyelids for a bit Also made a corned beef and potato pie type thing for work during the week
  5. Weather is sh*te here today so it’s time for a couple of hours in the kitchen, starting off with a lovely little roll of brisket
  6. Worked out an economical repair ( bodge ) to get the wing on without having to weld it, which is a bonus
  7. I hate working on cars, hgv’s are my thing, you can fix anything on them with a big hammer and a gas axe
  8. Back on the tools today, suspension in, door and front end back on, just need a little weld on the inner wing so I can get the wing back on
  9. Took the day off today, thought I have a lie in, then the cleaner turned up, so I’m sat having a very average breakfast with the pensioners in the village
  10. Just a bit of tidying up today, boards up for the hay storage and I thought I’d better paint the steels seen as I used second hand ones, just the concrete panels to go in once they arrive, think I’ll have tomorrow off
  11. That’s a good gig that, a lad I know does it, him and two mates are flinging them up, all the fences are the same and they just price by the meter
  12. YouTube mostly ( lol ) not strictly true, I’ve always worked with loads of different people in the building trades even when I was a mechanic so you just pick things up and I think I just blag it a lot, some jobs I’ll just have a go until I get it right
  13. Busy old day today, started off with with rerouting the back side roof water through the shed to go into the front because it’s blocked under the floor and I can’t think of another way without cutting the floor in the stables, I just hope one will take all the water, it’s a big shed then second pour of concrete before taking what was left to my mates to do his chicken shed
  14. Anyone any ideas what this is worth, just borrowed it and the lad said make him an offer, it’s a boss platform about a 6m lift
  15. Pork loin choppy things with mash, kale and tender stem
  16. I worked 12 hour night shifts for years ( admittedly it was 4 on 4 off ) when I was gaffer at a tanker company and I loved it, it’s been about 14 years since I’ve done nights and I don’t think you could pay me enough now to do them again. If you’re good at what you do there will always be work for you, when I rapped in the mechanic work my phone never stopped with job offers back on the tools, it’s been over 5 years now and I still get a call now and then i’d bit the bullet if they don’t give you what you want, there’s always work for grafters
  17. Nice little touch yesterday, give a grand for a corsa diesel, washed it, sold it for £1600, back on today setting up for a concrete pour tomorrow
  18. Spuds, carrots, leeks, turnip, shallots, mince beef, passata, thyme, salt, pepper, beef stock, veg stock and a bit of Malbec, 3 hours in the oven and my god it was lovely
  19. I have done mate, I might watch a few later when I’ve got a few jobs done
  20. It’s because they get battered now, it’s rare to see a fox that makes it past 2 now, when I started out shooting there was a lot of old foxes around, all the rifle lads were out after game to make a few quid, if they seen foxes they would shoot them but wouldn’t go out looking for them, they’d just leave them for the dog lads, now some only shoot foxes and with all the NV, thermal, callers, means there’s very little skill required now, I took a lad out a bit ago and he couldn’t get his head around a lamp and calling them off my hand
  21. Good film that Mac, it make a change from the yank coyote videos where all they seem to do is arse end them at 20 yards
  22. Another chicken dinner, I’m done in now, I’ll give it an hour then see if I can be bothered to go out
  23. That’s a monster, I get a bit over excited with a 15lb fox, I’d be giddy as a kipper if I had that in the crosshairs
  24. View from my office today, last day of the season and I can’t say I’m not glad it’s over, it’s been a long one, the shooting was shocking today with the average age of the guns been about 70, I even joined in myself to get the numbers up a bit, the winds we have had have wrecked the place
  25. Chicken stir fry tonight, doesn’t look to clever but it tasted spot on, with a homemade soy, garlic and ginger sauce
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