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Everything posted by Stavross

  1. It would freak me out if her head went 360 forgive my ignorance but what are they
  2. My mrs always has that look on her face when I try it on
  3. I have to stick with the law even if I don’t agree with it my mrs doesn’t wear a wig because she’s a stripper
  4. This is how it is and this is how it should be, nobody should have the right to tell somebody how to live there life or make decisions for them as long as they are living it with the law, other people’s views should not be forced onto others, one persons view may be different to another’s this doesn’t mean one is right and one is wrong
  5. There freedom of speech should never be in any doubt, they should have every right to express what they believe, what is utterly wrong is to use what they believe to intimidate others,this is just my opinion and as nobody else’s opinion matters to me I don’t exspect mine to matter to them
  6. No, it’s not a hate crime, in some cases it could be at worst verbal assault, but this usually involves the aggressive use of words to intimidate or offend, the words must be a threat and not an opinion and they must also cause fear or make the victim feel they are in danger i don’t really have an opinion on this as I’ve never been in this situation and I don’t know the situation any of these people have found themselves in, all I do know is if it’s not against the law I will do whatever the fcuk I want, if you are an adult you should do what you think is right for you, other peoples opin
  7. View Advert Fox micro M bite alarms 2 x fox micro M bit alarms with fox micro swingers, all in good working order one of the alarms needs batteries, if you want to know anything please PM me Advertiser Stavross Date 10/04/18 Price £30.00 Category Fishing Kit  
  8. View Advert Master line spinning rod For sale is my master line 9’ 4 piece spinning rod ( WSX4090 ) this rod still has the plastic on the handle, if there’s anything you want to know or you would like a list of my other rods and reels I have for sale please PM me Advertiser Stavross Date 10/04/18 Price £30.00 Category Fishing Kit  
  9. View Advert John Wilson Avon quiver For sale is my original master line 11’ John Wilson Avon quiver, In very good condition, I was still at school when I bought this so this rod is over 25 years old, if there’s anything you want to know or would like the list of my other rods and reels I have for sale please PM me Advertiser Stavross Date 10/04/18 Price £40.00 Category Fishing
  10. I only went yesterday to see what needed doing, everything is just starting to stir, even though it was foggy and damp it is a beautiful place to be, time just seem to disappear when you are in a place like that, I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be as for the squirrels they are going to get it?
  11. I looked at a savage last year at the northern shooting show, the stock felt like it was made for toys r us
  12. So I went to my favourite gun shop to see about putting a .243 package together, turns out they sell dpt mods and after talking to him he said it’s the only mod he fits to his rifles now, had a play with it on a .223 and was very impressed, on another note I was obsessed with the browning x bolt until I had a play with one, to look at it’s a very nice looking gun, but to handle not nice at all, the coating on the stock doesn’t feel right, the mag is cheap and doesn’t fit right, on the up side the bolt is engineering at its best so to some up the package is tikka .243 T3 light dp
  13. Like I said it’s a trespass so it’s not a criminal matter, the best way to sort it is to get in contact with them I’m sure you will find they are very reasonable about it when you explain your safety fears to them, the other route is for the land owner to take them to court ( if you can find out who they are ) to get a injunction to stop them coming on the land, sadly this will be at considerable cost to him, I know it’s a bit different to your land but I have signs up on some of mine informing people what is happening and pointing away from any possible danger, yours could simply say PRIVATE
  14. Had myself a day off today and decided to have a trip up to the pheasant shoot to see what will need doing after all the snow we have had, looks like I’ve got a bit to do with the pens, I couldn’t believe how many trees are down and to top it off forestry have talked me into sorting the trees out around the pens, with any luck they will let me have a few fence posts for my efforts, on the bright side it will keep me out the house for a couple of days
  15. This would be the best way to get to speak with them, I presume you have spoken to the land owner about this and made them aware of your findings, what do they have to say about it? Although this is a problem for your good self it’s up to the land owner to do something about it, could it be possible that they don’t know it’s private land? Speaking from experience when you find someone where they should not be explaining to them why is normally enough, it’s not like finding a chav in your garden at 2am that may require a bit more than a few words to point them in the right direction ?
  16. If it’s private property it’s just basic trespassing, you would have to catch them on the land and if you did you could not ask them to leave that would be down to the land owner, trespass is a civil matter not a criminal one
  17. Give you mate the M serial number on the radio and the code will be on fords system ?
  18. 9 times out of 10 if it’s working forestry it will have public access and anyone using a trail camera is not normally up to no good, the scumbags up here are looking for an opportunity, flying across fields in knackered old 4x4’s flinging dogs out to drag a deer down or coursing a hare in a tracksuit and rigger boots, not setting up camera traps, put a note in, it could be the start of a beautiful friendship
  19. Get yourself a Bigfoot costume and trigger the camera mess with them a bit i found one on my pheasant shoot a couple of years back I put a little note in the back of it letting them know I was aware of it, who I was and my phone number, turns out he was a wildlife photographer looking for a good spot for roe, turned out to be a lovely chap and since then has been up and photographed a shoot day and I can normally point him in the right direction for what he is looking for
  20. No further action to be taken against him, there is some sense in our police force after all, hope he can now move on with his life, all the best to him and his family
  21. Ha ha, my favourite room in the house, always good for escaping the mrs because she has no idea how to use any of the stuff in there
  22. My granny had a full collection of these that we played with when we were kids, sat on a chair in the front room along with the the biro flour chap, I’ll have to ask my Mam what happened to them, I’ve never understood racism, it makes no difference to me who or what you are, a tw*t is a tw*t whatever the colour
  23. Found him, I can’t believe I’ve never seen these before and he is 2 mins up the road from me, £250 for a stack mod, you can’t go wrong with that, thanks for recommending them ?
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