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Leo Sayer

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Everything posted by Leo Sayer

  1. Last night watched The Gorge , new 2025 flick. Really enjoyed this.
  2. I've got a few different frames, but probably only a handful I find suit me. A certain style fits my hand well were as some don't unfortunately no matter how nice they are. And I can only shoot 90mm to 100mm width forks. Also I'd love to shoot tube but am useless with it and only shoot flatband. I've only been shooting about 4 years or so. And it was just practice practice practice and more practice until I got proficient.
  3. Yeah I know what ya mean . He had a half decent job and a decent living and lost all through the sniff . Just enjoyed the podcast and yeah does loose mostly
  4. Did he come back over on a dingy lol
  5. I don't think Brett will go through with it , I think he will make some last minute excuse and pull out. On a different note, I watched a podcast on the no rules fighter Bash and quite enjoyed hearing his story.
  6. I watched this the other day. Very spartan lifestyle. Deffo wouldn't be for me. Must be awfull when it's heavy rain in that little box on wheels plus two stinky wet dogs sat on top of you. I do like that liveration channel though, been some interesting folk on it with alternative lifestyles.
  7. Well err it’s actually a bag mix. That’s tipped into a big industrial mixer and then all the other ingredients such as eggs water oil ect
  8. American chocolate cake , valentines cup cakes and mars bar tray bakes
  9. As cringworthy as I find it , I can't help but watch the back and forth videos when then they pop up lol.
  10. Kin ell ! lol wish I could get them prices
  11. Lotus biscoff toffee slab cake today
  12. He wasn't an ex boxer as Rodger put it, he was wrestler in the big daddy, giant haystack days and fought under the name of Hans Streiger.
  13. Thanks flatop much appreciated. He was a right rum old fcuker lol
  14. South wales east coast West coast ? Lol
  15. Can some one please put up the Cook Report Gold Diggers ? Thanks. That's the episode old Clive was in, he was a hard old barsteward. I was in my late teens maybe 20 when I new him. He still had heavy punch bags hung outside his delapadated cottage and could still swing some big clumps in his late 70,s. He was like a character straight out of a Plummer novel, with his many beloved deerhound greyhounds.
  16. I think I've mentioned this before but Rodger Cook busted an old feller I used to know who had lurchers and was a wrestler in the big daddy days and he fought under the name of Hans Streiger. He tried to do him for stealing and selling JCB,s and plant equipment. He was certainly a rum old fella, used to love listening to his tales .
  17. If I go without the dog I always feel people wonder what I am up to . So I purchased a very cheap camera off aliexpress for about £55 . Probably a pile of crap and I know absolutely nothing of photography. But if I wear it round my neck. Joe Public or suspicious eyes may just regard me as a photographer when in an iffy spot !
  18. I've seen Kat run and was a good little bitch. Seen a few of MBs dogs lamp following the landy
  19. Duchess, 2024. New film a brit flick. A crime caper along the same lines as the Buisness, not as good but I did enjoy this. Diamond smuggling, was a bit daft in bits but like I say wasn't too bad . Sean Pertwee and Stephanie Beacham star in it.
  20. Not that far from me in the car
  21. Wolfman 2025 , was ok maybe a 6/10 That's me Barry Norman saying goodnight
  22. Hit the nail on the head there. My dad was in a marina and didn't like it as too clicky and the costs. Bearing in mind his is just a holiday home and he lives in a house. But I've said on here before he stumbled on a plot he rents off a farmer for £25 A week. 3 other live A boards there plus my dad's so only 4 boats in total. No leccy but each plot has a water tap each and parking for 2 cars plus some land fenced off to have a garden and a few small out buildings . It's in the middle of no were and the farmer pretty much just leaves them too it. Like my dad says plots like this are dead man's
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