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Leo Sayer

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Everything posted by Leo Sayer

  1. No mate targets only for slingbow. So just some beer can blasting for me I'm afraid. But we are allowed to hunt with a slingshot though. Am surprised slingshot are banned over there.
  2. Also I bought some foam tipped heads for shooting at home on beer cans , was quite good fun and hits them with a right wack and sends cans 3 foot up in the air. Nice bit of fun while trying get my eye inn.
  3. Bit more practice this morning. I took a shot to see how far an arrow will go off the slingbow before it drops. 55 meters it managed, obviously no power in the shot at that range . Here is a couple of groups at 15.5 meters then a crap group at 20 meters, need more practice at 20 meters
  4. Am the same with mine , if it's dry and burns it's going in ! And if it ain't nailed down it's in the van and coming home with me lol. Years ago while I was mooching about I found a council yard with logs in. So went back with my mate very early one Sunday morning and we dressed all in hi viz to look like council workers. We went in 2 cars with 2 wheel barrows and filled our boots. A couple walking there dog was suspicious and asked us what we was up to. I said I was on community service lol and cracked on and filled the car and van. We did the yard a good few times before it dried up. I wou
  5. Just had a few packages arrive , one from the states direct from simpleshot. I got a spare band set , spare whisker biscuit and a rail and barrel mount to which I have attached a weighted front stabilizer too. To see if it helps me shoot a bit better and all the bits very reasonably priced. The rail and barrel mount would allow me to attach if I so wished a reel seat so it would take a fishing reel or a laser or a small lamp. I also got a few different type arrows to try to see which suits the slingbow and me the best. I got the correct draw length for myself and I got 3 of each 350 spine 400
  6. I absolutely agree mate , a lot of field craft involved . Must admit I love watching it on YouTube.
  7. Was on the spread myself for years and now av a bad shoulder myself so I totally know what you mean. Am practicing at about 11 yards and not doing to bad considering only been at it 4 days or so .
  8. Watched this last night on tube , shot with a compound bow at 40 yards as it reared up on its hind legs . Look at the size of it !!!
  9. Apparently 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil with 2 teaspoons of chia seeds and a dash of cayenne pepper is supposed to be very good for heart health if you take is as a shot everyday.
  10. I put Civil War on but was a crappy copy so turned off and watched the horror Annabelle a horror vampire movie, wasn't too bad actually.
  11. Still trying to get my head around arrows . ie arrow weight and spines eg 350 400 or 500 flexibility and also tip grains . And which would suit a slingbow the best . Gona order a few types and keep plinking and see what suits . Any advice welcome , thanks in advance
  12. Greyman what sort of range and accuracy were you getting with these ? I just picked up a simple shot one, great fun learning it.
  13. Looks an awesome shop and such a shame he is closing the shop and going online only, I would much much prefer to spend my hard earned cash in small business owners shops like this to keep them alive then on Amazon ect. I could spend hours in there looking and asking him questions on archery. Didn't see the copper crossbow incident this week. But will be used as a nail in the coffin for bow sports I'm sure .
  14. Yeah Mac, got one stuck in a tree when I missed my target lol. And on my home made target bag they get stuck inside as its filled and compacted with rags and are awkward to pull out, so I will have to buy or make a suitable target back stock for them. Cheers
  15. This is the release mechanism which goes round your wrist to a trigger you pull with your finger to release and shoot . It’s ok actually when you get use to it. Also I bought some take down arrows to try and a stabiliser but can’t use it till I get a tail it screws onto I got coming from states.
  16. I need to learn more about spine on arrows and weight to power as this seems to affect arrow flight . But all in all loving a bit of target shooting in the sun.
  17. Some more practice at 11 yards but getting better
  18. The simple shot xx hammer slingbow arrived . First impressions a very well put together and sturdy frame it is, bit of a faff putting bands on then some practice shots and soon found my anchor and reference points, totally totally different to my normal shooting of a 90mm catty frame. I seem to pic it up pretty quick . The bands are very heavy to draw back so I got a cheap Amazon archery release aid trigger. That was a faff till I got used to it. Must admit this is good fun.
  19. Was ted hot 25 yrs ago back in the day . Had a wee bit of bother round there back in the day lol
  20. Yep and a lot of big inbred farmers lol
  21. It was the Sika up your way that used get me excited !
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