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Leo Sayer

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Everything posted by Leo Sayer

  1. No I’ve settled on shooting 3 under gap . We’re u basically aim well below your intended target to hit it. So hence me shooting random inanimate objects so it gets me to mentally find my gap every time . It seem a lot harder than shooting my compound but very satisfying. I tried instinctively with the cattys and could never get into that . By nature I’m a precise person in my everyday life, so finding an aiming point just works better and is more accurate for me. Mac have tried traditional off the shelf much yourself?
  2. I have been reading a lot on trad guys hunting from ground blinds and some compound guys as well. Check out an old YouTube channel called Bow Hunting Ninja, he’s a compound guy that just shoots from sat on the ground with his back against a tree. Gets real close to the deer and has some great footage mate.
  3. Just look at the size of this fella ! It’s on one of the yank facebook groups I follow . Taken with a 40lb longbow probably with in 15 yards . Awesome field craft
  4. Still learning to shoot traditional bow off the shelf . Had 1 lesson off a competition longbow shooter at his house. Said I was doing ok self taught really. He had me doing drawing drills eyes closed and a couple of shots eyes closed. Felt like yoda and skywalker Jedi training “ go on young Leo use the force , the archery is strong in you ! “ lol . But am still enjoying the ride. I’ve been practicing shooting at random objects to suss my gaps when shooting.
  5. That’s awesome Mac, crying shame we are so restricted on this tiny island. I was going to try dry dog food with aniseed on with my trailcam or maybe try in a hide with my camera and see how close I can get for some nice pics. On some of the facebook groups I was reading about scent control and lot of different views on there. Some fellas smoke there clothes , others get a bin bag with leafs and debris from the area and leave there clothes in there for a few days. Others by chems you can get to spray on or wash your clothes inn. It’s all very interesting actually.
  6. lol, he also tells me. It’s 2 brothers that av the farm. He lives there with on his own and other brother dosent. He tells he likes to walk round naked when his other brother goes home. Honestly mate summat in the water in them hills lol
  7. Funny enough he keeps inviting me to the farm, says he has a spare milk urn I can have for my garden. And honestly this is gospel. He is single on his own and in late 60,s and tells me he goes on swinging sites and likes big black women ! Lol
  8. Farmer just dropped me another bottle in to try , this time a home brew apple wine . Should be nice
  9. Hold mine like this with a ball bearing loaded in pouch so always ready for a shot and carry it like this the whole time I’m out mate
  10. I mostly take mine off as they serve no purpose for me . When I am hunting I hold the catty with a ball in the pouch in my finger and thumb and a couple of bottom fingers round frame so it is always loaded and if there is anybody about I hold it like that in my pocket. So when not in use it’s firmly zipped up in my pocket. So I have no use for a lanyard and they just get in the way really . Just look pleasing to me really.
  11. I identify as BRENDA.........lol
  12. Heaven, love to have a nosey round there.
  13. Not sure to be honest. I always sort the old fella out with a few bits n bobs and I look after him. So he treats me now and again, the other day he gave me a load of lamb steaks. Av got a feeling the wine will be pretty strong tbh mate .
  14. Just got these. One of the farmers who comes in my business, just dropped me 2 bottles of his home brew wine off . A bottle of blackberry red wine and a bottle of elderflower white . That’s me pickled to night ! lol
  15. Bushy tried one last night , was different and definitely strong lol. Tell ya what mate. PM a delivery address and I will post you one to try mate on me . Sharing is caring buddy .
  16. I ain't tight mate, as people say us northerners are. But fek me a tenner for a farty can. Staff in work was pissin themselfs when I opened the box lol.
  17. Gutted !! Proper had my pants pulled down and been bummed , not only on the price and postage. Look at the size of them for feks sake lol . They better be bloody nice lol .
  18. Was watching a wild camping vid on YouTube, dragon outdoors. I quite like his channel. Anyway I ordered an ipa beer to try he had on his channel. Ended up £10.50 a can plus £8.99 postage so £50 odd quid for 4 cans of beer lol . I do like trying different ones so hope they are ok lol.
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