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Everything posted by Jackknife

  1. Think it's safe to say my missus would be coming at me with a fecking knife with every intention of burying it in my throat lol
  2. Socks on here got one up for sale, spaniel x patt nice and steady will do what you need I reckon ?
  3. Start as you mean to go on lol
  4. mate mines already done few grand on his collection of Whisky,not ya cheap shite obviously lol. He showed me one recently the bottle comes in a leather sleave with a Stags head embroided in the leather real nice and only going up in value?
  5. What's he got do ring the bell ?
  6. Had a magpie as a kid make cracking pets? Iv also shot kin loads over the years lol
  7. Sure I see it advertised on here either way looks a nice sort atb
  8. Them hands never seen a days graft I know ?
  9. You defo got washing up hands ?
  10. Did you get the lurcher off this site pal, remember one like it few year ago now mind,
  11. Didn't realise how noisey they can be lol, guessing a magpie got this fella an all.
  12. Oh right thought it was another toad, no water course at all round or near the garden just presumed another toad as lot variation between them, cheers ?
  13. Rod Stewart, Elton John, Greg Wallace, all three them do for starters. Me and the missus had our own celebrity death list for years lol Bruce forsyth dropping put me on a high for weeks.
  14. See a few ever year in the garden usually round the old compost heap. Seems one got laid then and something gave him some agro lol Last pic was one today out on the lawn so put it out the way thing is as it tried to move off got its leg caught on a bramble thorn...... Well I never heard anything like it, was screaming like a kitten never heard a toad cry out before lol.
  15. I hope ya get better an all that's looks rubbish ?
  16. I see its getting difficult for you to be funny all the time eh
  17. Go anywhere with him.... As long as it was running home ?
  18. Tut tut when will you people learn...... Speed kills slow down
  19. Never seen the reasoning on Big lump hobs like that waste of fecking time for me personally, if ya got a use for it fair play not something I'd entertain.
  20. You will know when it's me, I'm always pushing the fecking thing home ?
  21. Torso ....you obviously ain't seen the size of him iv seen fatter shoe laces ??
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