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Rickshaw swami

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Rickshaw swami last won the day on October 17 2024

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About Rickshaw swami

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Heart of Dixie

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  1. While eating Sunday dinner with the family my daughter informed me I would be a granddad come September.I dont feel like a grandad.Any advice?
  2. I found it at daylight.It was still limp.There is eagles in this area.The only alive animal I seen in the swamp that day was a dog otter.(assuming a dog based on size)He was about 500 yards from where I found the dead otter.Ive seen otters attack coons and snapping turtles.Wished I would have seen it to know for sure.No damage to the corpse except neck straight to spinal cord.Head is still attached.Just folded under.
  3. Back close to Christmas I was hunting a swamp.When me and the terriers came across a dead yearling otter.Im not sure what could have killed it as otters are as mean as the devil. Any opinions on what could have done this?
  4. Walked a creek today,looking for migrating smallmouth.Found one. Watched an otter hunt.
  5. Hard to answer but 2-6ft in my area.Most of my digs are more root than dirt in the swamp.I carry a few folding saws.2 ft dig this morning.Took an hour lol.
  6. Broke through this morning to the gifted dog mentioned here.He has done great his first season.Working like an old soul for the last six months.He is a credit to his breeder.Im thankful to feed him. The American terriers are like an apple. You see the pretty outside.So you try it.You realize quickly that the peel doesn't taste good.The peel is the peddlers and Facebook heroes. Pretty on the outside but tastes like shit.We dig deeper and reach the sweet part of an apple.These are the people who have a couple terriers and dig when time allows.They generally dont breed terriers.Ju
  7. That's interesting.The ones I ate came from Appalachian Mountains.1000 Miles from any salmon.Oats berries bugs was their diet as far as I know.
  8. I've been brewing up an idea of camping with a terrier from a kayak this winter.We had record breaking heat this past week.So I thought it would be a good time for a trial run. After loading a terrier,digging gear and camping gear into my kayak I had to see if it would float. It floated.......barely. Paddled to campsite and unloaded.Collared up the terrier and went hunting. Chased a few beaver. On the walk back to camp dog drew a possum. Made it back to camp and fired up the grill. Deer backstrap for supper. Fell asleep to c
  9. Black bear roast cooked in a crockpot for 16 hours is probably the best meat I've ever had.
  10. I believe the King James Bible.I don't believe in modern religion.Personal relationship as Francie said.I couldn't do the hunting I do if I didn't believe the bible and know I've got a mansion waiting. Back in October I was lamping coons with a terrier when a gator kept trying to steal my terrier from my kayak. This past spring I was kayaking shark baits a half mile offshore at midnight when some sharks began to bump my kayak.After screaming like a little girl I regained composure and ran the bait on out. When your waist deep in mud,Surrounded by venomous snakes,I wo
  11. Got some snow in Dixie.Doesn't happen often so made the most of it.
  12. Thanks for the responses everybody.Lots of good names that I may use in the future.Ive been on the river all my life same as my dogs.So I would like to thank Mr eastcoast for his idea.When I took an interest in otter I read old books from the UK.The one man I aspired to be like was John Gallon The Otter Hunter King.He drowned in the River Lugar.I also remember reading stories of great hunts along the River Taw which I believe was rumored to produce very heavy otters 150 years ago.I couldn't find these places on a map but I reckon pups will be Lugar and Taw.
  13. Had some pups whelped a few days ago.My daughters have usually helped me name pups.Since they ain't around to help with pups anymore I decided to let yall give them proper British names.I dont like tough names for terriers not human names.The mother to the pups is named Moose.The sire is Jack rabbit. Brown one is a dog.Im thinking Muntjac,Shitehawk etc. Black ens a bitch.Thinking gollywog etc. Yall have fun with it and give me some other ideas please and thanks.
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