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Big Ron

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Everything posted by Big Ron

  1. Least you own dogs and we can have the crack , not like that bloke who don’t own a dog he is on crack ffs ?
  2. Have I put pics up ? ? if I did that cider is getting to strong for me ?
  3. I think the first line is you my friend , I’m sure I wouldn’t of put my dogs on here but who knows when I’m pissed on the apples ? ask your mrs of a pic of me and my muscles ?
  4. Why I’m even interested in this I don’t know , but have I put pics of my dogs up on here ? Please show me ? If I have it must be when Big Ron was on cider or your mrs stole them when I was banging her ?
  5. ? Something not right with you , somethings don’t add up here
  6. ?? sure they have and sure you have owned some right tidy animals ? then you woke up ? so you are the one who don’t even own a dog , why am I talking to u even , shake yourself Ron ffs ? you will never win an argument with an idiot like u as you just get dragged down to your level , on that note bye bye dreamer ?
  7. You just put mine up ? Can’t even have a bit of banter with you like Mchull about different crosses because you don’t own a dog it seems , a dogman without a dog is a like a pub with no cider ? now buggeroff and go on some other site like pigeon fanciers or something ?
  8. Why do you keep changing your name ? I’ve been called a lot of things fellow , but never an informant ?
  9. I don’t spend my life on here like some of u ? so wouldn’t know 1/2 you characters
  10. Are u that bloke who keeps changing his username who don’t even own a dog ? Can anyone vouch for u on here ?An Anti maybe ? ????????? ?
  11. Only bit of banter , got to shoot and get some more muscle on my cart horses ? ?
  12. Have you lost weight for the slop or you will suffer ?
  13. Your still div 4 or Vauxhall conference in coursing league ? ?
  14. Not the ones I asked no sorry to burst your bubble mate ?
  15. Not hard to find out I know a lot of people , keep talking the talk on here and maybe one day you will walk the walk with the big coursing lads ?
  16. I can’t take credit here , but believe me without name dropping they were
  17. You can try and bait me as much as you want is it Scott your name ? I wouldn’t have a run with you because I’ve told you before 1, I don’t keep day time dogs to run your good land , 2 , your not fit enough for a night with me , your a chunky fat monkey and would be blowing out your arse , 3 I think your a prize idiot ? why would I possibly want a night out with you ? ? No offence meant here ?
  18. ?? if you listened to some on here you would expect dogs with 2 heads each litter ?
  19. Got dogs out of 6 generations of 1/2 sister brother and one full sister brother mating ,picture of health and do what they were bred for ,but hey what do people know who keep and breed dogs this way ? it’s not right and not line breeding but inbreeding as the keyboard warriors have said it is ?
  20. So what is the idea behind line ‘ in breeding ? Surely just because 2 dogs are related this is not a line ? Surely only if faults / defects occur then you cull hard ? Are coursing dogs really line bred then ?
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