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Big Ron

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Everything posted by Big Ron

  1. Top statement from the main man off THL , your a net legend ?? but a nobody in the coursing world
  2. Seems everyone knows what you are ?
  3. And that’s about the truth of it ? a nobody trying to make a name for himself on the net …….first rate clown
  4. Game ? Your as game as a coursing dog ffs ? You had the chance to show your super hounds run against my ten a penny hounds once , I don’t give invites out very often and u have had your bite at the apple ( or Big Mac in ur case ?) you seemed to shit your pants ? I did enjoy your exercising photos thou ? maybe stick to that and leaving the hunting to the proper hunters not the keyboard warriors like ur self ?
  5. You seen his true colours and his large arse fall out ?
  6. I’ve Had 2 x 3/4 breds , both took all quarry with ease , both lacked wind and both had a reckless running style ,both died young animals
  7. Fair play sammy who ever you are , you can dish the dirt , just got a few ciders in for tonight ?? it’s refreshing not hearing big useless bullx needing a motor and long slips on the slop by the village idiot ?
  8. And me now I’m out of the picture ?
  9. You got it wrong , I don’t care who sammy. Baller is or where he lives he’s nothing to do with me I don’t care or am really interested in other people or their dogs and it’s not big Ron’s style , I just like to listen and take it all in and if I do comment it’s with close mates when we’re out not on the net ? don’t listen to people on here or other places who think they know who big Ron is as they don’t ?
  10. That’s for billy bullshitter McANUS
  11. who do you think you are ? ? Think you got me mixed up mate , I’m not Sammy Ballbag or know who he is , if I wanted to run you down I would do it to your face ? I still do a bit and do like to play in the summer but me and sammy ballbag are not the same person don’t write aggressive addressed to me in your know it all style again or I might take offence ?
  12. Another topic ruined by a clown who ruins every topic with the same shit day in day out
  13. I got bullx ffs , so run your quarry but not mine as your don’t fancy it ? I’d say for everyone to just blank u on here from now and never answer one of your posts or the Mods ban you as your just a stain of shit on the THL pants ?
  14. But it would never happen as your a net legend and that’s as far as it goes ?
  15. ? I’m not wasting my time on you , you know nothing and that’s from just reading your shit on here , I’d sus you out within 5 mins of meeting you , question for you from one of your posts above don’t bucks run in the rut then or just stand and fight ? I’ve seen better bred coursing dogs than you will ever own or own on deer believe me , who says yours are quality , as we have only your word for this which don’t hold much on here mate
  16. Your like the part in the film lock stock with the 50 cal and the shrinking balls ? don’t change it and come out with your old bollacks , I said one dog up yours on your ground and stuff you run then down to mine for same , why add baiting bucks and 6 dogs ? ? you shit out because you know you would look a fool because you know nothing and done nothing basically , you can’t walk 100 m I bet as your a fat little f**k so why give all the big one about blokes driving land ? Because you don’t walk it far I’m sure the shape of you
  17. You’ve done f**k all ,do f**k all , know f**k all and are a shithouse who’s arse falls out when put to the test ? how’s that ?
  18. Did you say big Ron 3 times and look in the mirror ? ? remember keeping checking under your bed when u go to sleep ?
  19. What about boar and fox ? So we’re slowly getting to what I’ve always said , 90% of coursing dogs good up to Roe , then you need big heavy inbred bull in them ?
  20. ? maybe just maybe you will stop talking such utter shit on here now
  21. Never mind , like you said the dog world small and I keep big inbred things , are we on or what ? Il give you a good night , if you want Oct / Nov we can catch the rut , or am I starting to get the impression your not that keen now ?
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