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Big Ron

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Everything posted by Big Ron

  1. Told you this morning my work is done with you , now there’s a good lad do your homework ??
  2. It can be arranged the last part I’m sure ?
  3. Your just the new THL clown mate don’t be hard on yourself ?
  4. You stopped taking your tablets superdogs again or got a litter due ? What was it last time on here you had best dogs in country ?? that’s a big statement again you done more big deer than anyone in the country , maybe there’s guys on here who do a bit but don’t need smoke blown up their arses ?
  5. But not saying you have told me what I need to know. My work is done here , have a great day ?
  6. Morning mate , Why are you so kennel blind ? I've asked you a few times now but how old are you ???????? You seem a keen lad but a youngster whos done or seen very little apart from local to you . Not all Bull x owners use motors mate , its a big world out there , travel a bit and take your blinkers off.
  7. Prob would as I dont run hares on the wet land ? bring your world beater all rounders down on the big deer and we see how good they are
  8. FFS your getting worse ? what the f**k are you on lad ? i want some ? its a bit stronger than cider i think with the shit you spout ? Offering matches on net is so 10 years ago ? How long have you been running dogs and how old are you ?
  9. Bloody hell there is no need for that making me thirsty .......class ?
  10. he would get a submarine out on your ground ?
  11. Talking Silly again swampy ? Wasn't on about deer prob going a bit off track about bull Xs , Christ sake get with it
  12. Same as coursing dogs , there is Bull X s and Bull X s and everyone has different standards and some sharper knifes than others ? ?? How can you breed from a dog that needs a knife beats me . but hey what do i know .?
  13. My work is done here , have a nice day ?
  14. lets not getting silly here and make out no one knows what their talking about , ive prob done more on deer than you will in your life time and seen loads of different crosses run them , you talk silly and everything comes back to a good hare on wet ground in there day , lets face it, its hard to find good coursing dogs for what they are bred for these days never mind make anything else ?
  15. Exactly, these is kennel blind and kennel blind ?
  16. Your talking silly now , stop it and have a cider ? I've run deer 35 years day and night from Caithness to deep southern England and if coursing dogs were the ultimate deer dogs they be in my kennels now, I'm not kennel blind . They will be fine knocking over your smaller deer , but try a season on the bigger deer they will not stick it , you will get a few of course its the law of averages but not many.
  17. 90% of coursing dogs wont stick going out on bigger deer a few times a week. Like I said they wont be beat on what they are bred for , day time hares , but stop this silly talk they are the ultimate allrounder as your kidding yourself mate.
  18. Someone mention muffing of arse ? ?
  19. Someone put fireman’s fire out ffs ? chill no need for the language
  20. But they are super dogs ?
  21. Probably Done a lot more miles and with dogs than you mate in all honesty not blowing my old trumpet here well not much ??
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