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Squirrel basher

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About Squirrel basher

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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    Sat in a hide
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  1. Looks like you had a good day keeping the farmers happy. Smart dogs aswell. How they bred if you don’t mind me asking trev??
  2. Cheers mate. Been out today but the ground was frozen In the wood which made it very noisy. Still managed 3 squirrels a jackdaw and pigeon
  3. Nice one trev looks cold out there. Doesn’t seem to bother the dogs tho. Well done.
  4. Yes I’ve seen some small ones aswell. I got one the other day and it had no tail at all weard little things they are.
  5. Sure have mate he’s tought me a lot about the hunting game and got me some good permission think he’s going to get me some more aswell happy days
  6. Do you sell the xq30v pal I’m looking for a thermal?
  7. Cheers pal I’ve done some decoying pigeons aswell with a mate.
  8. Cheers Brian I’ve had some good numbers off of one feeder that I put up didn’t realise how many they was.
  9. They all go in freezer first then feed the ferrets with them. Nothing goes to waist my mate has a hawk so he takes some aswell.
  10. Cheers mate looking forward to sharing my air rifle pics
  11. Loud mouth fool don’t make me chuckle. Your still rabbiting on about s**t you no nothing about. Do you actually believe the s**t that comes out of your mouth? Do us all a favour and put your smelly socks init. Mu**et
  12. Cheers for the comments chaps. Ye the squirrels was taken in one sitting of 2nhalf hours off a feeder that I put up on a tree couldn’t believe it my self to be honest. My rifle is a cricket .177 sub12 and accurate as they come
  13. Yes so best be quick il probably earn more money than you pal infact I no il earn more money than you. All you do is run your mouth your just a oxygen thief who’s got nothing better to do. You no this you no that you no jack s**t apart from how to type on your computer.
  14. Yoooo odd socks I’ve been reading your comments for a while but only just joined the forum. Why don’t you put your dummy back in it’s you that needs to go to bed ya mu**et. Now do yourself a favour put ya pinny back on and do the dishes like a good little boy.
  15. Because everyone on hear nose that your just a dcik with a big mouth that’s got nothing better to do than slag other people’s dogs off. It’s not there fault if your dogs not worth a w**k. Now shut up and blow your nose with ya smelly socks
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