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Posts posted by Yankeeterrier

  1. 51 minutes ago, Dig-deep-draw-charlie said:

    Valuable lesson learnt that day for the young lad, a hard terrier would of had it pushed to the stopped end and held it there! Lol all jokes to the side good to see them at it!! My wee man has no interest......yet lol 

    My little guy has some interest in the beagles. More interest in the terriers after he heard I sold a coon for $3. Thought that was a heck of a way to make some money ?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Varminator said:

    Yankee just be sure to clean your dog after every barn when coins den up for a few days there teeth build up bacteria and terriers are more out to get coon paralysis if your buddy's haven't warn you on that yet


    I’ve been told saline spray right after the hunt to the mouth and any knicks etc. then kind of depends case by case obviously. I’ve heard of a solution for coon paralysis guy I go with has had 4 dogs get it and come through fine. Can’t say it’s 100% effective all the time obviously but so far it has been for him. 

  3. I was talking about this very topic with a guy a bit back. Guy that’s showing me the ropes was planning on letting his yard die off or sell his dogs. He got them from a pretty well known guy who was the influence in our area. Generally regarded by guys I know to be the best and have some of the best dogs around and a good guy (as is obvious from here there’s always guys that I’ll argue). Any way this guy passed away a few years back. 2016 if I recall correctly. So this young guy has a yard of the same line but had lost interest. 


    I got him out back huntimg this year and he basically told me that I reset the spark in him. I feel lucky to have the chance to get some second hand knowledge plus the 15 years experience this guy has. 



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  4. Just now, Varminator said:

    He breeds more for track drivers than coon dogs but ice seen some good coon dogs from his line

    We don’t have much fun to tree other than coon where I’m at. Up north there’s cats and you can go a state over to run bear but here it’s coon or opting for trail hounds/sight hounds for coyotes. 


    My only thing with having a coon hound is I’d really be an asshole cause I’d never sleep 

  5. Just now, Varminator said:

    They my buddy's great bear and cat dogs cold nose dogs that can move out fast 

    I’m trying to get out to the country so I can have a few more dogs. Limit in town is 3 which we currently have but I’d like at least a coon hound to add to the pack and of course more beagles and terriers.


    love the blue dogs. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

    Just a question but is terrierwork taken seriously over there. 

    What do you mean by that fd? Let me put it this way and hopefully I’m guessing at what you mean correctly. One guy I go with hunts terriers almost every weekend. Hounds in the morning and during the week and terriers on the weekends sonthey have time to heal up. This is what generally happens. Obviously sometimes he hunts more sometimes less. He got into terriers because of his son and has kept them goin.


    the other guy was stand offish until he found out I’d gotten a dog and then was more than willing to help. Offered me access to his yard, breedings if I ever wanted, and would teach me all he knows. Sadly he got hurt and is still recovering. 


    Neither spend any real time online. One doesn’t even have a computer 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Jerry71 said:

    You only get out what you put in, dog don't learn fcuck all at home. 

    I put the time in with dogs. It’s why I have them. Beagles I get out from mid August thro mid April 3-7 days a week. The terrier will probably be less because of the nature of the hunting but he will get plenty of time training. 

  8. Raccoon season closes March 15th so matching up my days off with the guys I go with makes it difficult sometimes and my one guy has thrown out his back and been laid up for 2 weeks. He made mention of possibly seeing about going groundhogging this summer but I have weird days off (Wednesday/Thursday) and don’t get time off during the summer so it’s hard for me to do things with people who have a normal schedule.


    Way I see it anytime you can get a pup out to do some work or just simple obedience is better than not doing anything. 

    • Like 1
  9. I’ll gladly post up a thread on a day if I get out again this year. Hopefully get some progress of my pup up and get him out ratting this spring/summer/fall.  I hear conflicting theories on if you should/need to start a pup out on rats but I figure either way it’s time hunting with the dog so it’s gotta be useful. 


    Pup will be 1 in November so next winter we will see if he turns out.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, rippem said:

    The only reason you say this is because you know I live in Illinois. what state and what's the address?  if it's not to far I can be there tomorrow

    It says Illinois in your profile man. Minnesota. I work weekends but if you wanna set up a hunt I’ll see if the guys I go with are ok with it. The pups 12 weeks old, he’s not hunting yet. Unless you wanna take beagles out

  11. 25 minutes ago, rippem said:

    Lmao!! Wow FUR BABY your going to the extent of taking pics of your meth head friend and acting like it's not You! Man you are one f****d up person! Look at that guy, jaw jacking biting his lip,  Lol tell me  that isn't  a meth head! Hahaha while your mom is giving up the bootie your sucking the glass dick with your buddy! What a fucktard you are FUR baby

    This is what trumps America has allowed. Anyway if you’re ever in the upper Midwest and wanna hunt try to track me down. Little further northwest than Illinois 

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