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Posts posted by Yankeeterrier

  1. 8 hours ago, foxdropper said:

    I'e been to states several times and never seen any locator type unit being used or for sale at any of the huge hunting stores .Hound trackers ,GPS but no terrier locators .

    They’re tough to find. I’ve heard Johnson telemetry sells a few, otherwise the guys I know that use them got them from over there and got killed with shipping. 

    Debens you can get over here however? 

  2. 11 hours ago, Blaise said:

    In France we have different ways of hunting. And we love dogs.
    But we love laws and rules too... I think you have more freedom.

    I guess what I was attempting to say was that it was much more ingrained in French culture? I don’t remember if I read it or heard in an interview with a guy from Canada who hunted with hounds; he compared it to Americans and guns. 

  3. We had a pair of gray foxes that lived under an old shed by my parents probably 8-10 years ago. They had a few kits. All of them got rabies/distemper and were killed because of that but that was a year that predator numbers were incredibly high. The rabbit population was shit witching a 45 mile radius of where I live. Coyotes got hunted pretty heavy that year so I’d assume we are close to the up swing on this current cycle. Guys have been huntin coyotes real hard so it’ll be interesting to see if the fox can rebound. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, EDDIE B said:

    Do any of you lads in the U.S dig fox? I see lots of digging photo's but very seldom see fox on the end of it. Must be plenty of fox's over there.

    This is the first year in 4 years I’ve seen a fox and it was in town. Coyotes have really pushed them out of the area. I talked to a couple guys this week that know the areas of a few but I really don’t know if I want to hunt them with their population being so low the past couple years. 

    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, THE GENERAL said:

    Na mate,  just leave it.

    This could be a good thread. 

    Comparing hounds and stuff, you are well off the mark. Behave yourself ?


    Not trying to argue now just curious, so if a terrier isn’t up to snuff after the first year are you of the opinion they won’t ever make it ever?

  6. 15 minutes ago, Shovel shy said:

    Your trying to compare a beagle that you were giving up on.that is not amazing "your words" to a terrier that works below ground in the dark against something that bites back, while yours chases most rabbits it sees. Ok.

    Read the comment above yours. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, THE GENERAL said:

    Wrong thread mate, there's a bushing dog section ?

    Na I just don’t comment saying what a terrier should or shouldn’t do as mine is only 4 months or so old. 


    My point being that a dog can change a lot over an off season. I’ve seen a lot of guys get rid of pups or young dogs that turned out fine just took some time

  8. Maybe I missed it but how old is the dog? I know my beagle I was ready to give up on the first season. Second season however she hit the ground running and has been as good a second I’d expect out of her. She’s not amazing but if theres a rabbit she’s will find and run it. 


    Maybe your dog dog is young? Still learning? Could come back next season and remember it all plus have some maturity that will help a lot

  9. I walk my pup everyday as well. Plan on ratting if I can find some, the people I know dealing with them now are hippies against me using my pup to get rid of them...... anyway. I’ll do more walks this summer in fields near by where he can also get on some gophers, voles, mice, shrews and the like. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, Varminator said:

    Yankee you ever get a chance see your pups parents they pretty good dogs

    I saw the sire Work and that dogs sire on both sides (if I’m not mistaken, it’s close to that however) Work which is why I got the dog. The grandsire was phenomenal IMO. Handled exceptionally well, located and worked the first two coon at the same time before we added a dog (due to 2 more so a total of 4) being in the barn. We dispatched the two and got them on another two (sire and grandsire). The grandsire has been on multiple fox, used to bolt (I think I’m usimg that term correctly) coyotes from drain pipes, and hunt pheasants. 


    I talked to the guy I got him from a few times about terriers, he invited me out to hunt to see if it was really something I was interested in. Showed me his yard, explained how he hunts and that it’s what works for him but there are many ways to do it. He told me he had this litter if I was interested and I figured what the hell. If nothing else he’s been a great guy. Gotta call him tonight in fact as we stay in touch pretty well. 

    • Like 1
  11. 45 minutes ago, Greyman said:

    Nice fork I have one myself, not sure how the gzk flat bands perform in the cold they seem to be taking over from Theraband over here, anyway hope it warms up soon enjoy your new sling 

    When I ordered it it was 50F here this morning it was 3. I jumped the gun on the spring weather 

  12. 18 minutes ago, neil cooney said:

    I know you's have different laws over there than we do this side of the Atlantic. And then of course different laws between Eire, the UK and the continent. But an animal in a cage is a captive animal and to put it under stress is illegal on this side.

    I've seen rolly cages in American magazines for hounds and couldn't believe my eyes when I seen a massive one with a Black Bear in it being bayed by hounds, and the Bear didn't looked bothered, probably used to it. If that's how ye do it ,fair play.

    But in your opinion do you think a terrier could learn anything from meeting something in a cage as a pup. IMO it's something I can see that has advantages and disadvantages too.

    I think there’s about a small many opinions on this as you could imagine. Some guys think it’s great to see if the pup isn’t ready to try hunting, some don’t like it because the wire is hard on the dogs teeth, some think it makes a dog “harder” than it should be, some think it’s better to start them on rats, move to opossum, then coon no cage, some think you wait til they’re 6+ months and take them with a more experienced dog. 


    From purely a training stand point what’s right? Whatever works for you. 


    Im curious as to how you guys who send them to fox/badger (where it’s legal to do so or before the ban) start your dogs? Not to argue what’s right or wrong or better but just out of curiosity 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

    Great stuff, dries up a wound good as well! I would wash out with saline than betadine sprayed into all the nooks and crannies. 

    I won’t knock what anyone uses (since I’ve not used anything and because...) as long as it’s working for them. 

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