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About Marydoll

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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    N Ireland

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  1. Albert why you editing your post to try make me look like a fool lol Did you not mean to say you let mackin back into your game fairs several years ago, now that facts. As you know these 2 men have being showing for about 30 years and you only know them 7 lol Am sure they be happy reading this , that your not there friends no more. As for the one recently came to NI, ask yourself why because she started fights in England at shows. this is my last comment on this as am sure it will be took down and me put off here but who cares about a 150 have seen this, so it up
  2. Am not on here to run Tullylish show down because there good men, but Mackin was bar from this show for years and they let him back in for the first time and he ruined there show, so whats that tell you the man doesn't care what his does because he has people scared of him, it time to stop this bullying end off
  3. Now now Albert lets stop playing game about who I am , This post is not about me our you, but 2 friends of yours not mine so if you think it ok for someone to get hurt at a show, then I have nothing more to say to you on this alleged incident
  4. Albert don't be coming off with your old daft talk trying to confuse people and justify what happen, if it had of happen at your game fair you still say nothing about this man, anyone in there right mind would condemned this behaviour, but no not you it all hear say and ill informed, waken up man before someone get kill, we all know he part of your team at shanes castle and I think your in enough trouble at the min with the Antrim council, him and this woman will be the down fall of shows. As for being a man or woman writing this, it the truth and people should condemn
  5. Margaret a family day out are you having a laugh, why don't you tell the truth about what really happen at the show, o you cant forgot it for alberts magazine. well I will tell them, Dessie Mackin stabbed Billy Craig in the neck & hand because he beat him in the terrier pups plus he beat him at scarva game fair aswell and mackin new girlfriend was slabbing to billy at both shows trying to start fights. When billy left the show to go to hospital mackin sent police after him saying he was drinking and driving when police stop billy it all came back clear but t
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