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Everything posted by grubbavitch

  1. No mate, Pharaoh Hounds come from Malta, Ibizans come from Ibiza.
  2. Cheers guys, he's my first running dog and I've been gutted at the idea that I'd left it too late. I'm glad to hear he's the same as me - a novice. Edited coz I've had too much port and made a spelling mistake!
  3. I've had a few people tell me I've left it too long in getting my whippet started. He's 12 months today and been out with the lamp 4 times now, I wasn't wanting to push him too quickly. He's mentally a pup, and while he's shown a little interest in chasing, he's mostly looked confused when he's had a bunny in front of him. Is it too late or can I still kickstart his prey drive and get him interested?
  4. Took my 12 mth old whippet pup Blaze out for a shine last night. It's only his second time looking for bunnies as I've been busy and wanted to let him be a pup for as long as possible. We often walk at night with no intention of hunting (but always the possibility ) He had a fall early in the evening chasing a wallaby which left him with a tiny cut on his foreleg and a larger one on his chin. I checked the dog, thought he was OK and continued on. So we walked around a corner and nearly stumbled over a squatter. I have been on my knees praying to God for a squatter to help get him sta
  5. And you want to take them out with ferrets? :blink: :nea:
  6. Staghounds and virtually any dog with a lot of deerhound blood mature a lot more slowly than your standard pig dog Jake. Their bodies grow quickly, but it takes a long time for their minds to catch up. Because they're so placid you can ruin them if you start them too early - that placid nature needs to be protected while they're young, so that it makes them calm, confident and steady when they're older. 18 months seems to be the minimum for a pure deerhound, some of the blokes start their stags at 12 months. If you want him for pigs, my advice would be to let him run with the other d
  7. Awesome looking dog mate, turned my head!
  8. Anybody seen it? It goes for 5 hrs, but for all I know it could be 5 hrs of complete and utter turd. The-Complete-Lurcher-Whippet-Hare-Coursing-DVD-5-HRS Any good?
  9. Good on ya mate, what part of this big brown country are you in? There seems to be all sorts of Aussies on here, from all over the place. I'm from Tassie actually, just starting my first running dog as well. Plenty of wise heads to learn from on here. Where'd you get your pup from? I want a stag once the whippet's working (but I want a LOT of different dogs, always changing my mind). Cheers
  10. Just make sure your permission-owners will keep it to themselves. Killing ANY animal with a dog is illegal down here, I got a polite warning just for talking about rabbiting (not knowing it was illegal back then). Taking any deer with a dog (even with a deer permit) would see you in serious trouble, and taking wallaby is a $5000 fine and/or 12 months in the big house. Rabbiting is an on-the-spot fine and they hit you with dog control laws too if they catch you. I'm very careful about what I do with the dog, where and when I go, what I talk about and who I talk to about it, because ever
  11. Are you referring to me? If so I'm probably greener than Jordan is. James Callan knows a guy who works his dogs down here and actually knows what he's doing. I'm just trying to get started with my first dog. Not having much luck! Is Carisbrook always in October? That's a crap time of year for me to get away... But I want to go soooo badly!
  12. I guess it really depends on whether you're hunting for sport or for another reason. If its sport, then obviously 1 v 1 is the only way to do it. But if you're running a pack of dogos to help keep a village/farm etc safe - protecting children, livestock etc... Then you'd use whatever amount of dogs you needed to do the job as quickly and humanely as possible, while trying to keep your vets bills down. The more dogs you run, the quicker its over and the less the dogs get damaged, and the less the puma has to endure protracted suffering. I wouldn't do it personally - not really my thing
  13. Yeah the good old bush bulldozer can do some damage to a terrier underground. They're just so strong, and they know how to suffocate/crush a dog that attacks them...
  14. It's not what we call sport is it? But for all we know their job is to clear that property of rabbits completely. I wouldn't mind giving it a go... but they're a bit bigger than the bushing dogs I've seen elsewhere!
  15. A bloke in New Zealand with a rabbiting pack of all sorts of dogs reckons some of his best bushing dogs are beagle x smooth fox terrier - the fox terrier gives the hardness, the beagle the great nose.
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