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Everything posted by smokin

  1. and their square crisps wernt too bad either
  2. what a bunch of f****n legends!! - i was only thinking of a macc ladds line today - "i've never been to bed with an ugly woman - but i've woken up with one or two!!" just had some good laughs reminiscing on youtube!!
  3. the c**t wants his balls burning then kick the shit out of him - i saw a lad leathering his lurcher last week as it strayed into the road (put a feckin lead on then!!) - i nearly ran him over in the 4x4-if the dog wasnt that close i would have, makes my piss boil report him - for what its worth harldy worth it - who to the police? rspca? atb chris
  4. they would have been nothing without 'craig' the drummer
  5. and it was all going so well lol!! -been influenced by pretty much all those bands in oneway or another in my life - was a big smiths / clash/ joy division fan in my early years got bit heavier later on with ac/dc end so on and chilled to the floyd too U2 were at their best pre rattle and hum then they all turned into pretentious twats up their own arses and only released one good track after that (one - appropriately) dunno if i could ever pick a favourite band - so much music has had a profound impact on me for shear 37 mins of genious that i still listen to now then The Clash
  6. Yup! wether its your fellow man or another furry critter its still a ball grabber/ leg crosser **no intended pun there eh? atb Chris
  7. smokin


    How do you breathe :11: ...........i'll get me coat! atb chris
  8. smokin


    a location would be good for starters too
  9. are they kept outdoors - as photoperiod (length of day) makes a big difference - mate of mine keeps his in shed with windows covered in the longer days hasnt jabbed em for 5 years to no ill effect. mine came in season twice this year too - used a borrowed snipped hob both times - got a couple of kits soon after her last session - shes been very motherly with them - quite funny seeing a small jill trying to drag a hob twice the size of her by the scruff back up the tunnel to the 'nest' - she usually succeeds too!!(eventually - usually the last thing you see is the back end of an upturned h
  10. tripe!! (not what people have said - the food lol!!!)
  11. Vitalin ferret food - not cheap, possibly more than jwb but 40% protein -all mine love it and have to stop the cat breaking in to the shed for it too - i think yoiu can get a reasonable sized free sample off their website - i did years ago before i even had ferrets - thats where the cat got his addiction lol atb chris
  12. beat me to it - moved my 8x6 shed a few years ago only took 3 of us (shortass,lightweight and me mrs lol) get the ferts in and a long net round job done!!! -- or have you a dog you can use??? atb chris
  13. yup - on a budget fourtrak all the way(nice colour choice btw!!) - ive had landys discos surfs shogun vitara sportrak etc but the fourrak gives me the biggest grin - bougght a 93 fieldman in june chugging away nicely at 30-35mpg on biodiesel at 65p/litre - bags of room in the back, enough grunt up the front, starts first time every time and most repair/service jobs are within the capabilities of a spanner user not requiring fancy kit etc - mine wasnt too expensive either - all get the tin worm in the rear arches and floor but nowt that cant be fixed - i think i love mine lol!!
  14. its not stopped raining for a month chris!! Arse!! - as bad as up here then - the mrs is genuinly depressed with the current weather status - i think the last holiday we had before we had the little un was a week just outside of hayle in the camper - weather was glorious all week (but pissed it down either side of it too apparently!!) can anyone send me a sticky cornish flag for my 4x4?? - tried peeling the one off the camper as its in dock but it ripped atb Chris
  15. i know now why we lancastrians have an urge to move to the south west - devon/cornwall is just lancs/yorks but with better weather!! atb chris
  16. thats exactly it - no prices anywhere - even downloaded a pricelist and guess what = phenolic board £poa - did see one site it was £88 for single sided 18mm coated for an 8 x 4 - if the data sheets are true it could well be a long term good investment - 'like a stainless exhaust' if you get me!! - atb chris
  17. really? i know they make phenolic rigid insulation - the hard foam with foil 'sandwich' - i thought we were on about the coated ply board - its used in construction for high grade shuttering work etc - ive only seen bulk purchases - not just an 8x4 sheet of 1/2" board which is all i'd be looking at for making ferret housing atb chris
  18. have you found a supplier of the board?? - whats the price?? atb chris
  19. sad news indeed - chin up n' all that atb chris
  20. fingers crossed for the fella - sounds like you are doing the right thing for him atb chris
  21. Mine cough from time to time when eating dry, oddly enough its the hob that does it the most too. You are using wood shavings and not woodbines lol! Beginning to doubt using shavings. hardwoods from using myself i know some give off a nasty dust. However there is the phenol given off from pine shavings too (like dettol). I use hay or shredded paper in the bedding area but what to use in the run as an alternative thats still fairly priced to justify its use (i use a good bit every day mucking out. Atb chris
  22. cant beat woody when you feed wood pigeon to the ferrets just check for any large splinters atb chris
  23. could be swine flu lol - ferts are more than capable of catching human flu so it seems - they are also being used in testing of flu vaccines for this reason. stock up on the lemsip atb chris
  24. undoubtedly the anal glands - my doberman only ever gave me gland problems when i was feeding hills science crap that the vet had peddled onto me - the only sweet revenge was the vet getting a faceful of gland jizz when she had a do at emptying it - my dogs have had sneyds for the best part of 8 years no probs and a quarter of the price. a good bulked up shit is what your dog needs to keep em emptied on the way out its a horrid smell - especially on the car seats!! atb chris
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