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About jimfin

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Lancashire uk

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  1. Trade genetics in tipperary do it and do the operation on the bitch for you as well.if you google trade genetics you will get there website.
  2. is this the real jimfin, if so hows the mighty blacky gettin on. reply when you sobber up.

  3. just seen this on ebay.anyone seen or heard of them before. ebay item
  4. here a couple of pictures of my two 6 month old pups jumping.what a job trying to get them on the camera phone.keep just missing them.by the end i was f**ked with keep jumping back across the fence to get them to jump for the camera i couldn't resist taking this one.
  5. heres a sika stag i got single handed with 3/4 grey/bull bitch, mother to the pups i put up on previous posts thats a transit size van so you can tell the size of him.he was lovely eating
  6. heres a couple of pics of frogs
  7. some recent pictures of my two pups heres star the bitch pup confronting one of the snakes st patrick forgot i'm sure ditch will be able to identify it for us all :thumbs-up:
  8. i was over in england last week and took these pictures of my mates pup
  9. jimfin


    i heard a story once i doubt it's true :whistle: a fella used to be bothered with cats shiting in his flower beds.he trapped them, dipped them in waste oil and sent them on there way.he never trapped the same cat twice you can only imagine there owners face to be greeted to a trail of oil all round the house and the cat curled up on the couch :sick: please don't try this at home as it may harm the cat. this reply is only passing on hear say and not based on fact no cats where harmed in the writing of this reply
  10. i posted this as a reply a few weeks ago.it now has animation.
  11. whats the website for real hunters can't seem to find it realhunters. forum wise . com cheers have found it now, good site :thumbs-up:
  12. a friend of mine from lancaster goes lamping with a lad that has one.don't know how much ridgeback is in it but from what i'm told it catches all quarry on the lamp .i think it came about from an accidental mating.i will speak to my mate today and get back to you
  13. whats the website for real hunters can't seem to find it
  14. had 3 out one january.2 dogs and one vixen.the vixen was the first fox my lurcher killed so that is going back about 8 years.when we pulled the vixen out a fox shot passed us both and between the dogs and away down the hedge.we managed to drop the terrier down just as another was about to bolt and accounted for a big dog fox. the dog fox was one of the biggest foxes i've seen,didn't get chance to weigh him much the pity. but he was a hell of a fox. a few years later with a different mate we had 5 foxes out in early september.one bolted which the lurcher caught,that was a vixen and while
  15. 5 foot 8 you are in your f*ck. unless you had the missus high heels on again maybe
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