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Everything posted by Bandit

  1. Thanks for the offer but all Kitted up this end
  2. I'd use a nice steady Terrier instead Coney.
  3. Check out e-bay, a bloke from the Isle of man has some real good un's, he ad's on there all the time Just type in Purse nets
  4. Nnnnniiiiiicccccceeee one
  5. Nice one Nobby. "Start em young that's what I say"
  6. If the ferreting to long nets is the one from the boys near Durham it's a good watch. Funny in places as well, especially when you hear them slagging off the local Game-Keeper
  7. When my Pugs pick up Ticks, I coat the nasty little arachnid fuckers in surgical spirit applied with a model paint brush, the next day if they haven't fallen off dead I use a tick hook. TIP:Unscrew the little blood suckers anti-clock wise, I've never had a secondary infection using the above method.
  8. Looks like you've got a great spot there Keeps
  9. Best of luck Bud!!!
  10. Best of luck Bud!!!
  11. Which way bred is the the Dog in the picture?
  12. Coney did you have any milky Does in that Bag
  13. What's the odds of getting your hands on one of them there beauties
  14. :realmad: Sorry Millet but i have to disagree, "all cats should be shot on sight"!!! :realmad:
  15. That black boy in the hole has got a great head on him, I bet he's got a good bite on him en'all
  16. Grrreat Pics, you ever thought of making a film on Ferreting?
  17. It can depend on the age of the Ferret ie young or old and the state of it's health in general, at the time of catching it, that can make it more susceptible to the common cold. Just to be sure give them a bit of Ferret tonic in it's water to bump up it's immune system. Also play on the safe side and get someone else to feed and water them until yours has gone. But as Hywel said if something does develop isolate it straight away and see the Vet.
  18. Hi All just thought i'd say hello as a newbie, any of you boys/girls from the Midlands? I run a Merle Hancock of about 80lbs, 28 1/2 inch he was very slow to start, did'nt want to go till he was at least three, but will do it all now. My other dogs are a Mother and Son whippet/beddy's. Sorry no photo's of any of them yet.
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