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Everything posted by eddiej35

  1. I am using the 28-270 and have had some great pictures with it, not so good without a tripod in low light but i am no expert and we cant have everything for the price they are .
  2. that starling is a really good picture. so you can use it. ive still to get an image as good as that. so i wouldnt blame anything. ide just get out with it and get some pics. atb Thanks bud. ;-)
  3. Thanks for the input, alot to think about. I think i better get a bit more accustomed to how to work the camera before i go any further with a big lens. Its no good blaming the tools if you cant work with them in the first place . Thanks again , Ed .
  4. Is that the usm lens like the one i have already but bigger ? cheers Eddie.
  5. LOL , i think you live in an earthquake hot spot bud, its not your fault . Your pics are certainly getting better bud and to be honest i only get 1 good pic out of bloody hundreds at the min.
  6. You gave me the advice i have ran through my head many times over lol. I know what you mean about the little buggers moving just at the wrong time. As soon as this rain stops i will get out again . What 300mm is lense do you recomend , i must say an L lens is way out of budget at the min. Cheers eddie.
  7. I am using the Canon EF 28-135mm IS USM F3.5 - 5.6 Lens at the minute as it gave me a better lens to learn with than the standard 18-55 one. I will check the settings now you have mentioned it and will get back to you. Thanks for your time . Eddie.
  8. Thanks for the replies guys , The trouble i am having is more to do with the zoom , the pictures look great before a crop but look blured once cropped. I think i had just better get closer .
  9. Got hold of a canon 550 d a few weeks back and i thought i would post a pic of a starling that i have took so far. Still a noob at this so any help will be appreciated. I will add more when i can shrink them enough to fit here . Thanks Eddie.
  10. Thanks for the kind comment guys . The quality of the Vid would be alot less grainy if you have no lights around you. That was the only fault i found when recording. If i was in total darkness it would have been so much clearer . When recording in daylight it is also alot better if the sun is behind cloud cover , you get glare from the sun shining on the grass infront of you if your shooting with a bi-pod.
  11. It doesnt matter what cal you shoot bud , they all kill if you put the pellet in the right place. ;-)
  12. Hi Si , Great viewing that was mate and thanks for putting that up for me. The quality was rubbish on my part as it was only my second time out with the unit. I did shoot a few of those standing and to be honest the weight was pretty bad after a while . Its hard to focus and set the contrast up for every shot when your in a lit up area and trying to hold it steady . Also as i was using the Yukon recorder it is only good enough for pc viewing as the resolution size is small. Saying that i would definately recomend this unit as i had great fun shooting them. As you did see most of the shot
  13. I am also good freinds with Allan and have this post running on other boards. The person who we think , or otherwise know who took it but cant prove it was a good freind of Allans for many years. He knew there was a spare key lying about incase of emergency ( no longer a spare just incase you think about casing the home ) and he knew where the rifle was. Nothing els was stolen from the house so it was planned . As kevin says any info will be appreciated . Thanks Eddie.
  14. As title lads , the rapid was stolen from aberystwyth on tuesday afternoon. We have a strong name for the theft but cant prove it was him . I do beleive it will be getting sold in the staffordshire area . It has a profile stock and camo tape on the bottle , it will be sold with the nv unit or seperate. The nv unit has one of the buttons covered with tape as it got pushed inside the unit. I will add a picture of the rapid later. Any info will be appreciated . cheers Eddie.
  15. I was thinking the same, did you get it out the freezer then .
  16. http://www.brightlites.co.uk/content/product_view.asp?cid=1&pid=180 this is the one i use at the minute. To be honest its a great torch and well useable upto the ranges you mention . You can buy a kit with everything in it for airgunning and the filter kits are on the site aswell . If you do fancy something from them Quote AIRGUN and mention you seen the code in airgunner and you will recieve 12.5% discount on your order. ATB Eddie.
  17. I have been on a new permission for the last two weeks and there is myxi on it. The desease is hitting both young and adults. The best way i find to clear it up is to go out as many times as possible and shoot as many with myxi as possible and burry them all . You will be suprised how quickly it goes. The only problem with having rabbits so close on other grounds is bucks traveling to different areas and spreading the fleas . Its a pain but one we have to live with . I wish you all the luck in the world that it doesnt hit you to hard.
  18. I know bud, i see these every time i go to this shoot , i could get some cracking pictures.
  19. There was 5 in this pic before cropping .
  20. I have a couple more longer shots but they go to blured on cropping as i only have 5 x zoom .
  21. I had to look over the barrel to get this one .
  22. Heres a couple of hares that came over to see me while i was out decoying pigeons with the air rifle. What a pleasure it was too.
  23. Cracking shooting bud, well done .
  24. You are best using shot birds for decoys as the pigeons dont seem to fussed when they land amongst them . Five decoys is more than enough to start then add more once you shoot them if needed. As for BAITING with food this is illegal and not worth the risk just incase you are seen . ATB Eddie
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