the same happend to my mate but when the police came round and so the dog was fine they just said they get calls all the time its just people with nothing better to do.
the pups for my brother and he's a fussy fecker. I know wat u mean i have 2 bull crosses 1 bullwhippet xlaugna whippet
the dam bein the bullx and a very bulky dog but the pup has hardly any bull in it. my other dog grey saluki x grey bull and both parents were very racey but my dog turned out alot heaver than expected.[its the dog in my persnol photo]
Nice One thinking of getting one but don't know as my first cross is abit slow. How do you rate your 1/4 cross
E Head
i think sum 1 you know looks like rudolf and goes boom boom
how tall r they, am askin cus im lookin 4 a bull cross but the 1s iv seen av been 2 bulky.iv got a quater cross but you cant see any bull in it ur dogs look bully but racey. Think im am gonna go 4 a 3/8 5/8
im looking 2 get a bull greyhound but im not sure wat cross to get as i think a 1/2 cross might be 2 big to catch rabbits? would 5/8 3/8 be faster and just as game.
This is picture of my 2 year old patterdale terrier.
This is a picture of my 2 year old Saluki x Greyhound x Bull.
This is picture of my 8 month old 3/4 Whippet 1/4 Bull.